Two words that fill me with dread. Fancy Dress. Some people really get off on this - last party I went to that involved dressing up, one bloke came in a sort of fetish-nazi outfit, all tight black pvc, whips and jackboots.* Which would have been OK but it was a Eurovision party, and he'd come as Austria.
What's the worst costume you've encountered? Or worn? Or been made to wear...
*and no, it wasn't one of them royals
( , Thu 12 Jan 2006, 20:15)
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I have in my time had some really good fancy dress outfits, and have actually won prizes. In my time I have gone to parties as a doctor, Steve Irwin (with a big plastic crocodile- the main problem was that the tail was curved and had a slight problem of getting caught on people's handbags, bra straps, clothes... I made sure I "lost" it), and my personal favourite, Eric Draven. I have a pic of that on my phone, and if ever I figure out how to get it on here, consider it posted.
However, friends of mine from university have always gone one step further, mainly for halloween parties. For example, in 2001, several people went dressed as Osama Bin Laden. Ruffled a few feathers that one did. Then there was the time that John Leslie hit the news, and very quickly became the theme for a fancy dress outfit as well. An old suit, some flour down one lapel and a Blue Peter badge... and away you go!
And then there was the time that I went to a party dressed as a woman. God, that was scary. I had a blonde wig, high heels... let me just say for the record those things are bloody murder on my ankles. Not only do they rub the skin, they also are very hard to balance in, and also really really mess with how I walk. After about an hour of trying I gave up and switched back to wearing my dockers. Ahh... sweet relief.
Also, there was the time I went to a fancy dress party dressed as a dead gangter, but that was a bit lame. I was showed up by Osama bin Laden. In October 2001.
( , Fri 13 Jan 2006, 10:20, Reply)
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