Two words that fill me with dread. Fancy Dress. Some people really get off on this - last party I went to that involved dressing up, one bloke came in a sort of fetish-nazi outfit, all tight black pvc, whips and jackboots.* Which would have been OK but it was a Eurovision party, and he'd come as Austria.
What's the worst costume you've encountered? Or worn? Or been made to wear...
*and no, it wasn't one of them royals
( , Thu 12 Jan 2006, 20:15)
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Right... I was 8 years old and it was a Fancy Dress at school and I was really looking forward to it. recently I'd been reading "Where's Wally?" books and decided I'd go as Wally form the books as I had a hat and shirt/top just like his.
So it's the day and I'm all dressed up, fake glasses, top, jeans, hat the whole lot and my mum taks me to school, drops me off and I turn up ( a little late due to traffc problems) for Assembly and lo behold... I'm the ONLY one in fancy dress - it was supposed to be fancy dress after school not DURING!!!!!!!!
So there am I sat in the middle of an assembly with teachers wettnig themselves laughing at me.
They even took a photo and put it up in the staff room with the phrase "where's wally?" underneath and was known as wally or being a wally for the rest of my primary school life.
It is one of the many traumatic things that habe happened in my life which surprises me as to why I've not needed therapy yet.
( , Fri 13 Jan 2006, 13:02, Reply)
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