I don't remember much of the fight - it'd been building for weeks, petty things, knocking over my stuff, calling names - but it didn't last long... He hit me, I hit him, then *whack* he connected with my jaw and it all went black.
Coming round, surrounded by some friends, it was apparently "really cool". All I know is my head hurt. A lot.
Tell us about the legendary fights at school.
( , Fri 10 Mar 2006, 10:43)
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Now normally im not one for fighting in general but being now 6'4 and always pretty tall and well built i knew how to handle myself.
I have a number of stories i could relate but im gonna narrow it down to 3.
1) For some reason there was a kid in the year above me who took it upon himself to "try" and bully me. Cue a few weeks of me puttin up with his shovings and name callings, then one night me and a friend come across him sitting outside the local shop. I call him a twat, he jumps in the air and lands a nice sucker punch on me nose ( cur lots of bleeding) and me over powering him and beating 7 shades of shit out him. It all ended im afraid when his mum came out of the shop and stated screeching and dragged him away*.
2) Night out at 15. Gone to a party and drunk a few too many ciders (no good for your inards kids). Local "hard" kid take a fancy to me and randomly jumps me while walking off. i go to ground and cut my hand on the floor and see red, next i remember being pulled off the kid by some passer by while still lashing out at the bloodied kids face. Got picked up by my nan later that night dirty and covered in blood.....not a word said ( My nans great)
3) thrid and final story was the morning of a G.C.S.E history exam. I felt hungry and wandered to the tuck shop at break to get me some tasty crumpets (odd but they sold crumpets) On route i see the years annoying kid. i think i called him an accident or something, along the lines of "your dad jized on the sofa and mum sat on it" normal teenage insults. He took exception to this comment and began to egg me on to hit him and back my comment up. Him being a great deal smaller than me and sporting a fetching pair of NHS glasses i was a little reluctant. Eventully i just gave in to his request and sparked him straight in the side of the head, down he goes and off i walk to get my crumpets. He comes back for more only this time goes for the kill. God knows how (im not the quickest mover) i dodge his punch to land a tasty reflex punch square in his mouth, sending blood all up my arm and over my face. He had to miss the exam to go and get his lip glued and i got away scott free. The teachers luved me.
The legnth ok, but the girth is all natural baby
( , Tue 14 Mar 2006, 16:42, Reply)
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