We were all in my aunt's kitchen at the back of her huge rambling Victorian house. I was only small and had wandered off to go to the loo, but given up after finding the hall full of smoke. "That was quick," my mum said after a few minutes. "Yes - it's all smoky," I replied.
I've never seen adults move so fast.
So, like my cousin who'd managed to set fire to the roof, tell us your fire stories.
( , Thu 3 Nov 2005, 9:11)
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i cant remember when i finally realised i was a pyromaniac but i remember very clearly the path leading to it.
My earliest memory of setting things alight was when i was 6. Mum had gone upstairs to clean the bathroom so i thought would would happen if i took the box of mathces in the utility cupboard and the stack of recycled paper in the office and combined to the two.
What happened was breath taking on several different levels. Filling the sink full of paper and dropping many different matches into it was like magic. The resulting cloud of smoke that enveloped me was the product of a fantastic wall of fire.
As responsible home owners my parents thought that smoke alarms were a worthwhile investment and discipline a needed tool. no tv for a week was their decision, but i need not worry; i had the image of the carnage i had created in my kitchen sink!
My eldest brohter wasnt much better. I was off sick from school with a chest infection when he decided that lighting 45 sparklers in a plastic bin in a wooden conservatory was a good plan. Once again the smoke alarm was put to good use, so was my coughing reflex and unaware to me at the time, so was my sylvanian family bin!
I had a few years of rest after that. Mum hid the mathces and sparklers and generally i wasnt allowed near fires when there was one in my viscinity. I forgot my pyro roots until i made friends with my guys.
Setting fire to each other was the best game. A can of WD40 and a lighter was my personal favourite, it left your leg feelign all warm and toasty!
However one ill-fated new years eve party, after everyone else had retired to bed, myself and my ex-boyfriend took it upon ourselves to make the bon-fire bigger, we'd used all the wood so we searched for other flammable objects. A chair, it melted in about 20 seconds and was never seen again. Next was a bike, we never thought it would burn but the fire was so hot it started to melt the metal. I screamed with joy as i watched it burn.
Finally we found the ultimate object, a big tyre, bigger than the avergae tyre but not too big to burn. We threw it into the flames and watched as a wave of black smoke billowed up into the night sky. What we didnt anticipate was the smoke then billowing into the caravan window a few feet away and waking the occupants up. My we laughed as we watched our friends coughing and spluttering and abandoning the caravan to escape smoke inhalation. I'm not a psycho, its perfecty justfied, i just like to see things burn which is perfect whenever i go camping with my lad mates, because they're all just like me- crazy!
( , Thu 3 Nov 2005, 10:57, Reply)
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