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This is a question Getting Old

Drimble asks: When was it last brought home to you just how old you're getting? We last asked this in 2004, and you're eight years older now. Eight. Years.

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 13:24)
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10 reasons why I feel old
Lots of things make me feel old, especially as I now work with a load of youngsters in their 20s...
1. They learn how to use Word and Excel at school!!! Our primary school had 1 BBC Pet between all of us, and we considered ourselves cutting edge. Secondary School had about 12 computers and the Computing teacher (seconded from Maths) knew f'all about how to use them. I had to pick it up as I went along...
2. I am starting to like album chart music again, I have noticed that "retro" means about 20 years old so this has happened twice to me now
3. I can remember when lecturers used acetates. Say this to the kids in the office and they think it's some kind of chemical high
4. I can remember having to buy records because that was the only way of owning music
5. The youngsters think it's cool to talk like Mr T. Yes I can remember the A team first time round so wot so wot. Yet you say catch phrases from your youth e.g. buzzing, yarn in a barn, etc and they look at you like sh*t
6. I have no interest whatsoever in kids TV. Dora the Explorer, Dexters Lab etc. all are drivel compared with Wombles, Bagpuss and Cities of Gold
7. All the cool DJs I remember from Radio 1 are now working for Radio 2 (at least not Radio 4 - yet!)
8. All the really funny comedians I remember are dead
9. I am having to care for my parents, not the other way round
10. I don't give a monkeys that the youths laugh at me for enjoying Morris dancing and folk music
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:42, 10 replies)
Cities of Gold is...
Coming back!
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:55, closed)
Cities of gold was epic.

(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 18:55, closed)
Loved Bagpuss ...
Bagpuss was great, but I go back even further. My number one favourite childhood TV character was Teddy Bear from "Andy Pandy." If I missed Watch with Mother, I was inconsolable. It was all in black and white, too.
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 19:05, closed)
^^this with Cities of Gold
Also I see this and raise you one "Ulysses 31"

In case anyone missed it first time around, REDUX
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 20:13, closed)
I have the Cities Of Gold boxed-set DVD.
It's ace! I've only watched it once though as the story is a bit more simplistic than I remember. Well, that and I keep meaning to rip it to hard drive so I can put it on easier when I'm drunk, but never get around to it.
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 21:42, closed)
You'll be pleased to know that I am in charge of 25 5 year olds
and as such I have introduced them to the joys of decent children programming.
They love Bagpuss, the Clangers and Ivor the Engine.
In fact when many of the children are playing with the toy trains they make the Ivor the Engine sounds.
(, Thu 7 Jun 2012, 21:54, closed)
You are officially my hero of the day
(, Fri 8 Jun 2012, 10:31, closed)
They are only allowed to watch Bagpuss if they tidy up quick enough
at the end of the day.
If I put the DVD on to the main title screen they all tidy up quicker!
(, Fri 8 Jun 2012, 14:42, closed)
With you all on the shitty kids programs...

Spongebob Squarepants is quite good.
(, Fri 8 Jun 2012, 0:25, closed)
BBC Micro or Commodore Pet.

The idea of a horrible mishmash of the two machines is pretty nasty
(, Fri 8 Jun 2012, 13:01, closed)

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