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This is a question God

Tell us your stories of churches and religion (or lack thereof). Let the smiting begin!

Question suggested by Supersonic Electronic

(, Thu 19 Mar 2009, 15:00)
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I'll be the first
to describe myself as unreligous. Im not an athiest, I don't go round believing that God, a god or gods don't exist I just don't think about it.

That said I try to keep an open mind so when a friend invited me for a introductory session I thought I'd take a look and try to judge for myself.

It started out very informally, we all sat in rows of chairs while a bloke at the front spoke to us about how much better our life could be, then one by one people got out of their seats and lined up in front of him to recieve something to eat and drink (not being entirely comfortable with this bit i stayed in my seat).

He must have had a direct connection to somebody (or something) as shortly after everybody sat back down it started, from one woman up the front a moan of pleasure the like of which has never been heard outside of a dockside hotel the day an all female submarine crew lands after a 6 month stint under the arctic.

2 rows behind her and an elderly gentleman starts talking to somebody who blatently isnt there, eyes agog as mystical truths were revealed to him.

Then on the other side of the aisle somebody actually fell off their chair convulsing and chattering in a language i would swear was not spoken in any country on the planet, I was all set to dial 999 but my friend informed me that this was normal behaviour and they would be fine in a few minutes.

Soon it seemed that almost everybody but me was drawn up into contemplation with the infinite, smiles plastering their faces.

I took a good long look at the sign outside when I left, turns out it was a methadone church.

(, Fri 20 Mar 2009, 12:46, Reply)

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