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This is a question God

Tell us your stories of churches and religion (or lack thereof). Let the smiting begin!

Question suggested by Supersonic Electronic

(, Thu 19 Mar 2009, 15:00)
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I'm what might be described as
a devout atheist. I find it difficult to think of anything on earth that winds me up as much as the consequences of brainwashed peoples’ actions in the name of what amounts to nothing other than preposterous fairy tales. I do, however, believe in Father Christmas and the Tooth Fairy.

Here's a pearoast from "I just don't get it" that may sum it up from my angle:

I honestly do not understand why millions of intelligent people throughout the world don't question the religious beliefs that were drummed into them as children.
Is it really too much to just accept (or even consider) the provable theory of evolution over the frankly fantastical creation nonsense?
Is life really not worth living and enjoying for what it is without the concept of an "afterlife" to reward you for your good actions or punish you for your bad ones?
Is it totally beyond some religious zealots to realise that without the social partitions different belief systems have installed societies and communities would be more tolerant of others and many wars and conflicts would never have started?

I mean, I'm all for the positive aspects of religion ( the community and social stuff) but in the year 2009 with all the progress we've made would it be so far-fetched to expect people to think for themselves?

It's time to stop chewing on the emotional comfort blanket that your big imaginary friend has provided and WAKE UP!!!

Just found a draft of something else I was writing - apologies for any repetition:

Of all the things in this amazing world that I don't understand, the main one, and the one that really bugs me the most is how people with even half a brain are religious. Let's take Christianity, the world's most widely followed religion, based around the world's best selling book, the bible.

The bible - 66 fairly tales written by 40 authors in 3 different languages on 3 different continents over about 1600 years. (Thank you b3ta a while back for this one!)
In this pile of tosh, we are told that:

God made the world in seven days.

A man built an enormous wooden boat and managed to gather two of every species of animal on the planet and install them onboard.

Another man parted the waves in order for thousands of people to walk across the seabed.

A woman who had never had sexual intercourse became pregnant and gave birth to the son of God.

Jesus walked on water, turned water into wine, brought a man back from the dead, then rose again three days after dying.

Come on! Please, please, do us a favour.

We used to believe that the earth was flat and that dragons and sea monsters existed. We used to believe that there were witches and that the sun revolved around the earth. We find this medieval nonsense charming and amusing these days, so why do we still believe in God?

Children are also told, straight faced, about Father Christmas, the tooth fairy and the other made-up characters. Before too long, and as later childhood or adolescence approaches, they realise that these are harmless and fictional devices created to generate excitement, encourage good behaviour and reward any pain endured. Adults fondly reminisce about when they were innocent and gullible enough to not see through these harmless tales. So why do people believe in God into adulthood?
(, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 13:22, 7 replies)
As an atheist (strict orthodox)
I feel I should make sure you are baiting Christians correctly. Noah's ark (according to the bumper book of killing, maiming and so on) was populated in sevens, not pairs. The "Two by two" idea is merely from a song.

Mind you a song has about the same level of truthfulness as the bible so both could be right!
(, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 14:15, closed)
I kneel corrected at your feet
Oh Lord.
(, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 14:20, closed)
it was 6 days, he rested on the seventh.
(, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 14:28, closed)
Now steady on!
Are you suggesting dragons aren't real?
(, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 14:43, closed)
I often wonder if in 3000 years time, the gods of today will be regarded in the way we generally regard the gods of the ancient folks.
(, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 16:33, closed)
even the church now accepts that the virgin birth is bollocks (although they would probably not put it like that). It comes from a mis-translation of the original Hewbrew text. The Hewbrew word 'alma' was taken to mean virgin, whereas it actually just means young woman.

oh, and click btw. You've summed up my views on religion perfectly.
(, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 19:15, closed)
And of course, it's impossible that they could have questioned it and come to a different conclusion to you.
I don't believe in a God either, but I wouldn't be so arrogant as to assume I'm automatically right.
(, Tue 24 Mar 2009, 20:38, closed)

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