Will you go out with me?
"Bloody Kraut, a" asks, "How did you get your current flame to go out with you? If they turned you down, how bad was it?"
Was it all romantic? Or were the beer goggles particularly strong that night?
chthonic, Thu 28 Aug 2008, 17:32)
I went over to his
and then all my clothes fell off.
Madam Marlboro wonders if you've found her yet, Thu 28 Aug 2008, 19:22,
8 replies)
would certainly do it for me!
The Resident Loon Not a demographic. Do not measure., Thu 28 Aug 2008, 19:28,
I tried to look up a Kenny Everitt clip on YouTube
with his character, Cupid Stunt. 'All My Clothes Fell Off' was one of his/her punchlines. But there are none with just that expression in so boo hoo....
Rotating Wobbly Hat That's not a banana. THIS is a banana., Thu 28 Aug 2008, 19:32,
i'm sure
it was all done in the best possible taste
spimf ™ is whoever you want him to be, Thu 28 Aug 2008, 19:42,
You need to wear tighter clothes.
Ok! maybe not.
girlinthehole, Thu 28 Aug 2008, 19:49,
Dodgy stitching?
Bicycle Repairman "you're also a bit of a wanker", Fri 29 Aug 2008, 11:37,
I guess that'd work...
*makes notes*
Devil_In_Tights the *real* DiT!, Sun 31 Aug 2008, 10:11,