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This is a question Guilty Pleasures, part 2

It's been a while since we last asked this question and CaptainFellatioNelson's confession that he likes "to fart under the duvet, creep in and see how long I can last only on the fart air contained within" reminded us just how good it was last time.

What are the little things you do for fun when nobody else is around?

(, Thu 13 Mar 2008, 11:48)
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Sneaky Toasties and other Kitchen Fun
I am a bit of fat old git (6'0" and 15 and bit stone) and am trying to get some of the more wobbly bits off. This is not so easy at the ripe old age of 36 as it used to be.

So I eat healthily all through the week, try and avoid the demon alcohol, and then it's Sunday. Sunday is Wahey day in Chez Osok. It's lazy brekkie day (OK, I might have been out for a waddle or a ride at sparrowfart but I don't eat beforehand). I'll feed the Mrs and the Spawn first, and then gently close the kitchen door and retreat into Toast World.

Boiled eggs served with toast soldiers for the family?

Not for me. Boiled eggs squashed into a lovely gooey mass eaten in a toast sandwich is how you do it.

(This is only if I can't get away with the classic Egg Banjo).

If I'm in an egg drought situation, then trial and error has come up with the perfect product of late night fridge browsing, now rehabilitated for daylight use.

Peanut butter and salami on toast. Sheer bliss. It's a bit like Marmite - you either get it or you don't.
(, Thu 13 Mar 2008, 15:17, 12 replies)
Late night/End of week (delete as applicable) eating
started out as a scavenge for something edible one night, but is now a regular treat:

peanut butter sandwiches with pickled onions...

so nice I salivate when I see pickled onions on the supermarket shelf
(, Thu 13 Mar 2008, 15:22, closed)
fuck me
that boiled egg/toast sandwich sounds amazing

I'm all about odd sandwiches

marmite and peanut butter is best. I'll try salami and peanut butter though, I've got both at home at the moment. I'll give it a try when I'm stoned after band practice tonight

what's Egg Banjo? edit: ah, the classic fried egg sandwich
(, Thu 13 Mar 2008, 15:24, closed)
Hot buttered toast
topped with liberal dashes of marmite and honey.

Can't beat it.
(, Thu 13 Mar 2008, 15:27, closed)
Not sure
What;s an egg banjo?

sounds like a some sort of name for a ladies lady bits?
(, Thu 13 Mar 2008, 15:35, closed)
theres not many folk that know of the banjo, i myself am a bacon banjo man.

no one real (not on tinternet) has ever heard of it and thinks i am odd. I am, but not for that reason.
(, Thu 13 Mar 2008, 15:35, closed)
I've never been able to discuss
the reasons for my dislike of goat's cheese with anyone real; I get a bit embarrassed for some reason

here however, I feel I can say it with out fear.

goat's cheese tastes like pussy. and not in a good way!
(, Thu 13 Mar 2008, 15:40, closed)
I count boiled eggs and/in toast as healthy food!!!
(, Thu 13 Mar 2008, 15:49, closed)
Egg Banjo - A definition for the deprived
(Courtesy of arrse.co.uk)

A sandwich made from (usually) half stale white bread, spread on both insides with margarine and slotted in with at least one greasy fried egg, preferrably soft yolk to distribute better, covered with sauce of own choice, brown or tomato(ketchup to the Spams).

It becomes a banjo when....

...the yolk and sauce dribble down your front. You move the hand containing the sandwich away and up to a point level with your ear as you look down your front and usually to an accompanying 'Aw bollox' you wipe/smear the said yolk & sauce into your shirt with you're free hand giving a passing imitation of playing 'air banjo' !

Food of the gods. I personally find them even more satisfying than a kebab for a late night feeding frenzy, and as an added bonus you get the kitchen really messy and potentially burn the house down. What could be better?

It's an Army slang term, but even my mother knew it.

Edit: maybe I should have a 'talk' with my Mum....
(, Thu 13 Mar 2008, 17:16, closed)
I thought Banjo
always referred to egg/bacon/whatever when served in a roll (rather than two slices of bread).

Hence the phrase, 'would you like a sausage banjo?'

EDIT: a bit of googling reveals 'banjo' to be an army thang.
(, Thu 13 Mar 2008, 18:03, closed)
Vipros; thank fuck for that, mrs2shoes has been telling me i'm wrong for loving peanut butter and marmite together...

top tip tho - hot buttered crumpets with marmite and hummus...
(, Thu 13 Mar 2008, 19:04, closed)
marmite and peanut butter is amazing
tried the peanut butter and salami thing last night.

It was pretty good, but I think I had my peanut butter:salami ratio too high
(, Fri 14 Mar 2008, 8:24, closed)

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