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This is a question World's Most Hated Food

What food do you hate the most? And why? Do brussel sprouts make you hurl? Can't stand the pea? Think baked-beans are the work of satan? Tell us, and tell us now.

(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 10:51)
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Another quick one while I think of it...
Herbal teas.

You know, those fruit-flavoured things that your girlfriend buys because she's trying to give up caffeine? You pour hot water on them and they smell delicious, like sweets or blackcurrant cordial or something, but when you try to drink the stuff the taste is absolutely rancid. I've never come across such a blatant inconsistency between smell and taste anywhere else in the culinary world...Why do people drink these foul brews?
(, Wed 14 Jul 2004, 12:27, Reply)

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