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This is a question World's Most Hated Food

What food do you hate the most? And why? Do brussel sprouts make you hurl? Can't stand the pea? Think baked-beans are the work of satan? Tell us, and tell us now.

(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 10:51)
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It isn't so much a dislike of the taste or texture but more a fear of them.

Me and the (now ex) missus in a tea room in Lincoln, I get a scone and a cup of tea. Cut the scone open to see a massive juicy raisin. Yum!

Except it wasn't a raisin.

It was a fucking big bastard beetle. I went a bit green, took some deep breaths and complained and to the day I die I will not believe what they said to me.

"Oh, that doesn't happen often. Would you like another one?"

Would I bollocks.
(, Wed 14 Jul 2004, 12:55, Reply)

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