Heckles II
It was my privilege the other month to see a particularly foul and abusive heckler literally chased out of a comedy club by enraged punters. So: Comedy nights, staff meetings, football matches. Tell us of epic or rubbish heckles.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 12 Jun 2014, 14:36)
Best I ever heard back to a heckler
"Your father should have settled for the hand job"
jerrykew He who codes last, codes least, Tue 17 Jun 2014, 10:06,
5 replies)
They should have thrown you away and kept the afterbirth
Ghoti Fingers, Tue 17 Jun 2014, 10:10,
You so ugly, when you born, the doctor - he slap everybody.
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob, Tue 17 Jun 2014, 10:11,
You were the heckler, weren't you?
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 17 Jun 2014, 10:24,
Jimmy Carr's standard response
"I don't come to your work and knock the sailors' cocks out of your mouth, do I?"
wakeupandsmellthebacon, Tue 17 Jun 2014, 11:21,
Arj Barker in response to a persistent heckler
"At first it was just me that hated you..."
RebelWithoutApplause My underestimation will almost be the death of me, Tue 17 Jun 2014, 14:09,