Hitchhiking and fare dodging
Epic tales of the thumb, the open road and getting robbed by hairy-arsed truck drivers. Alternatively, travelling for free like a dreadful fare-jumping cheat. Confess.
Suggested by Social Hand Grenade
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 21 Aug 2014, 13:34)
you're going to gaol forever
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 15:27,
3 replies)
I know it.
The guilt is nearly overwhelming.
Ugi , it's a game of give and cake, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 15:47,
It's only illegal if you're found guilty!
eViLegion Chief Commissioner of the Scottish Lunacy Board, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:53,
Silly thing is that if caught it could ruin your life.
Fare dodging is prosecuted wifh zeal and a criminal record could be problematic with employers and the like.
Me, I'm not... in any way intoxicated, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:55,
alright, Dulbert McDull
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:57,
Sorry, forgot
Me, I'm not... in any way intoxicated, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 18:03,