Overheard the other day: "I've told you before - stop swearing in front of the kids, for fuck's sake." Your tales of double standards please.
( , Thu 19 Feb 2009, 12:21)
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it's mildly unfair to generalise this as ALL vegans, ALL feminists, ALL women, as there are just as many meat eaters, sexists and men in the world who act the same way.
I do agree that feminism killed chivalry, but I also understand we can't have it both ways! Although I do like it when a bloke walks on the side of the pavement closest to the road, that's a lesser known chivalrous act.
I used to be vegetarian and didn't force my eating habits down anyone else's throat (ooh pun!) but I also found it extremely tiresome receiving an attack from meat eating friends about how pointless and ridiculous my choice was every time I ordered a vegetable lasagne, so the fact that you're ranting about vegetarians being intolerant makes for a little irony methinks.
Other than that I do agree with the general idea behind your points, just felt it could have been a little less hate-filled!! But then again, this is b3ta.
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 13:22, 1 reply)

Yes, I admit I used broad strokes, but that is because, as a caucasian heterosexual male with fully-functioning faculties, I am actively placed as a low priority by HR and the so-called "equality" laws. We don't have equality in the UK, we have positive discrimination. You can't have all-male clubs anymore (remember those silly attention-grabbers protesting about Whites a few years ago?), or all-men golf courses (again, see the protests at Augusta in the US), but you can set up all-women Health Spas, or Gay-Only nightclubs. Hell, a straight male friend of mine was raped (so much for gays only being the "victims" in our society)and when he was sent for counselling, the all-female support group turned on him and the counsellor basically threw him out because the other women there might not like having a man in the building. This aside from the fact it is widely regarded as harder for a male to face up to being a victim of such crimes and there is no "rape" charge for male assaults - again, hardly equal.
As for the vegans/vegetarians, you're right - I haven't met every single one and a few I have met are even happy for their family to eat meat (such as yourself), as it's their personal choice to be a veggie, after all, but a good 90% of those I have met are of the "meat is murder" brigade who are never too bothered by social decency to interrupt your meal to preach at you. No, I'm not cruel to animals - I grew up with dogs, gerbils and a grass snake, I now have three cats in the house. I do, however, see that there is some value in certain medical testing to be done on rats, etc (I'm not talking about the schock-a-monkey-to-see-what-happens crap, I am talking about drug testing) - the last batch of non-animal-tested drugs we heard about were the ones that made that guys head swell up like a balloon and killed two others. If it's a case of human or rat, sorry, but Roland is a goner...
I just think that, under the protection of "Political Correctness", or "Positive Discrimination" or "Human Rights", a lot of behaviour goes on that would not be allowed at all if it were going the other direction. It's ok for Gays to mock the straights (hell, we even have TV Shows where they teach us incompetent heteros how to dress, cook, talk, wlak and live - Queer Eye, anyone?) - but if you pitched a TV show where you "Un-fagged" a gay guy - teach him how to fart, neck stella, have a fight and leer at girls, etc - you'd be about as popular as Russell Brand imitating Carol Thatcher talking about black tennis players...
I just think that either everyone has a right to be who they are and say what they think, or no-one does and we just follow an arbitrary list of societal boundaries. :-)
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 14:38, closed)

I do agree with what you're saying, to quote one Mark Corrigan, I hate political correctness gone mad and fully agree that it's gone almost entirely the other way, I think the 1% feminist in me was just riled by your brush getting tar all over me!
Also, on a completely irrelevant note, w00t for gerbils! I have seven. Fucking breeders.
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 15:02, closed)

neatly disguised as a reasonable citizen.
Nurse! Teh screens!
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 15:24, closed)

half my colleagues are gay, my wife's best mate is a lesbian and I couldn't give a monkeys toss either way - they're just human beings.
If you want to wear another guy's ass as a hat, I really don't care - I respect your boundaries as long as you respect mine, is all :-)
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 15:49, closed)

Let's come back with a knee-jerk, programmed response that doesn't address the issue! That'll show 'im! And you'll win!
( , Mon 23 Feb 2009, 13:58, closed)
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