Ignored Advice
What wholesome advice have you ignored, to your own downfall?
chthonic, Thu 15 Nov 2012, 17:01)
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"Don't start smoking
it's quite addictive".
How I laugh at the people who told me that, every single time I quit.
At least I've not got any tats though.
SnowyTheWereRabbit the Leporid from Hell, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 14:33,
13 replies)
I'm on my fifth attempt to quit
The dark side is when you go out drinking. No cravings as yet and it's been 2 weeks
GeordieJay Bummers are deaf, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 14:44,
Cravings come and go
I find they return at odd times. Once I haven't smoked for a bit, I don't get them nearly as much and can go days without thinking about smoking, but then one day (and especially when drinking) they will defnitely come back.
SnowyTheWereRabbit the Leporid from Hell, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 15:09,
Simply tell whoever it is you're with at the time that you'd really, really like a cigarette now, but you're not going to have one.
It passes in moments. I still get them. So does my dad, and he quit 30 years ago.
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 16:28,
Change your drink when you go out.
I quit nearly two years ago, and changed my drink from ale, lager and/or whiskey to just gin & tonic. The disassociation helped immensely.
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 16:28,
This actually sounds like a good idea
And I could probably do with cutting down on the beer too.
SnowyTheWereRabbit the Leporid from Hell, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 16:49,
I found it helped immensley, as the association of drinking/smoking was so strong.
I think I gave it about three months or so before I finally had a pint of some form.
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 17:16,
I tend to drink everything
I am a Northener...
GeordieJay Bummers are deaf, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 19:22,
Campari & soda?
magic the cat will someone please think of the kittens, Tue 20 Nov 2012, 13:13,
GeordieJay Bummers are deaf, Tue 20 Nov 2012, 14:10,
Only feeble witted pricks can't quit smoking.
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 16:59,
They say the first 10 years are the easiest.
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 17:16,
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 18:32,
and after that, the cravings return with a vengeance
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black, Mon 19 Nov 2012, 18:38,
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