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Home » Question of the Week » Take my Mother-in-law... » Post 39518 | Search
This is a question Take my Mother-in-law...

There's a reason there are so many bad jokes about mothers-in-law. You don't choose them, they just come along as emotional baggage with your object of affection. I'm lucky, my m-i-l is lovely*, but don't let that put you off telling us how mad your in-laws really are.

*No, really

(, Thu 8 Sep 2005, 9:48)
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My sister's Mother-in-law.
Their surname is "Hawes".

Upon informing her in-laws that they were expecting their first child, my sister, the card, told them that they were planning to call the child "Randy".

After a moment's contemplation, her mother-in-law exclaimed, "Over my dead body!".

It would be amusing to say that she died shortly before the birth of Randy, but that wouldn't be true.
(, Thu 8 Sep 2005, 11:51, Reply)

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