Sue Denham writes, "I once slipped out of work two hours early without the boss noticing. In my hurry to make the most of this petty victory, I knocked myself out on the car door and spent the rest of the day semi-conscious, bowking rich brown vomit over my one and only suit."
Have you been visited by the forces of Karma, or watched it happen to other people?
Thanks to Pooflake for the suggestion
( , Thu 21 Feb 2008, 14:24)
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There was a family. The kind of family that every town has really. A thoroughly nasty and antisocial bunch of turds with a predisposition for glue sniffing, violence and petty thievery. A distinct lack of brain power characterised this unholy bunch of scrotes, and the petty thievery usually involved stealing from their own neighbours - they were so lacking in scruples that they had never abided by the petty criminal's unspoken mantra that you never shit in your own nest.
Now, those of you with a dislike for extreme violence I would advise you to stop reading about here...
This antisocial disregard for anything and anyone ensued for years. Oddly, they had very little, if any, trouble with the police, who repeatedly were unable to pin anything on them in order to put them away. The neighbourhood lived in abject terror of the fact that next time they were targeted it could be a lot worse, and so tended to say nothing so as not to provoke any kind of response.
The offspring of this family were three brothers, each one blessed with the same abject cluelessness as to what was considered acceptable in the world. They followed the family pattern of substance abuse, violence and thievery, but the eldest was particularly unpleasant and had spent his years making various 'points', usually with a sharp object. And several blunt ones too. This particular error of the gene pool had also developed a little sideline in selling drugs, and it was this that proved to be especially irksome for some people in the town.
So, one evening, a couple of local hardmen who'd had enough of this family riding roughshod over their fair town followed him, being careful not to be seen, and waited for an opportunity. Armed with a baseball bat, a stanley knife and a pair of pliers, they followed him to a not altogether remote spot on one of the estates, but one which consisted of a large expanse of grass leading down to the railway. An expanse of grass that after a certain point wasn't lit by streetlighting.
What followed was, even by his standards, pretty nasty. As he was sitting on a bench with his head in a bag of glue, the two hard men crept up behind him and smacked him squarely across the back of the head with the baseball bat. Being utterly off his box on Bostik, he wasn't in any fit state to defend himself as the blows rained down on him. Once he was rendered suitably unable to move, they then set about removing his teeth with the pliers, and for good measure also broke both his kneecaps with the bat, before (reportedly) slashing the tendons in the back of his legs with the stanley knife. Then they left him lying there.
About an hour later he was discovered by someone walking their dog. The police were called, but the beating he had received was so severe that it had rendered him permanently brain damaged and unable to speak. He now spends his life being looked after 24-7 by his family, nothing but an empty shell of a dribbling vegetable, which has in some small way been instrumental in keeping them out of trouble. Fortune smiled once again on the town when the middle sibling died of a drugs overdose, thus removing the world of another genetic abhorration. Perhaps seeing that the lifestyle he had adopted wasn't going to do him any favours, the youngest apparently became a bit of a reformed character, although his by now established reputation as a troublesome little cunt meant that opportunities for anything in the town were scarce.
Apologies for the gruesomeness of this tale, but honestly, the family got what they deserved after over 20 years of getting away with everything they had ever done to the people of the town.
*Edit* Whilst I know that this is not karma in its truest sense, it is still a reminder for the kids that crime (and being a twatful cunt in general) doesn't always pay...
( , Thu 21 Feb 2008, 18:48, 8 replies)

I have a similar family at the end of my street, tho the shear stupidity of them does occasionally reap rewards, last night their kids were 'playing' with a nicked pick axe and a small gas canister (there's building work going on nearby). Judging by the screams and the fact that the pick axe I retrieved off the street later was covered in some sort of chemical yellow goo save for 2 inverse hand prints, I think maybe they'll not be trying that one again...
( , Thu 21 Feb 2008, 19:14, closed)

I like the idea that they beat the crap out of him and that - karmic retribution, althoguh I'm not sure anyone really deserves to become a handicapped vegetable, surely far worse than anything else on earth? And the kid brother who OD'd, i mean, if he was brought into that lifestyle might he have never known better, I still think he got away with something far lighter a punishment than his older brother. Sorry to be a drag, I just think its more than he deserved, no matter what he had done. Still, you can have a click for the horror of the story - the story itself was nicely told.
( , Fri 22 Feb 2008, 2:15, closed)

Its a shame that more of the scum who make everyones lives bad don;t end up this way - what a facking deterrent!!! Much better than some "community service" bollocks!
( , Fri 22 Feb 2008, 9:14, closed)

Well, no-one deserves to be beaten to the point of vegetation (although I know one or two folk who damn near deserve that), the story was well told.
I'd prefer to see someone left corpus mentus enough to reflect on the cost of their cuntishness for the rest of their days.
( , Fri 22 Feb 2008, 10:32, closed)

yes, it is an extreme case. I'm not necessarily saying that I would condone this all the time - we can debate the morality of the vengeance meted out until the apocalypse. Had I not known the family I might well have thought 'that's a bit harsh'. However, I did know them, and can only think that it's two utter bastards off the street permanently.
( , Fri 22 Feb 2008, 12:11, closed)

that I just about see the retribution as apt. The two brothers pretty much were subject to the same fate - death (or good-as-death) brought on by a lifestyle which is known to have a high mortality rate. They would have known this, and known what risks they were taking.
( , Fri 22 Feb 2008, 18:50, closed)

In work I come across a lot of 'that sort' and the one thing that striks me is that I always know plenty of others who have also had such crappy upbringing and they wouldn't offend anyone, let alone hurt them. As such I see it as being likely either an informed choice of how to behave on the part of the evil doer, or a sad case of someone not having the presence of character to avoid slipping into the kind of learned behaviour that the chaps above perpetrated.
I reckon a sustained and vicious beating, from which one can make a full eventual recovery, would be preferable to reducing the chav to a spaz my taxes have to pay to keep, just like if they were in prison or on the scrounge. Sufficient blows to make them want a job, then, is I think my stance on this.
( , Tue 26 Feb 2008, 22:04, closed)
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