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Either you love 'em or you hate 'em. Or in the case of Fred West - both. Tell us your ankle-biter stories.

(, Thu 17 Apr 2008, 15:10)
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Teenage Pregnacy
Let's settle this right now. A few people have posted saying that their area has the highest teenage pregnancy rate.

Well you're wrong. As usual, the North East of England wins with Redcar pipping Southwark to the coveted first place: The results in full:

Conceptions rate per 1000.

The worst

Redcar and Cleveland 18.4

Southwark 16.5

Haringey 16.4

Lambeth 16.1

Stoke-on-Trent 15.7

Doncaster 15.4

Kingston Upon Hull 15.1

Lewisham 13.7

Torbay 13.4

Islington 13.4

(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 10:59, 23 replies)
I lived in Middlesbrough for quite a few years so this doesn't surprise me at all.

I mean, I saw loads of teenage mums, it wasn't me doing the impregnating.
(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 11:03, closed)
guessing people are now gutted that the information superhighway allows stats to be pulled up just like that!

Where's Ellesmere Port? That must be quite high up there!
(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 11:06, closed)
Hang On A Second
Remind us where you used to live before being transported to the colonies?

Is there something you should be sharing with us........?
(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 11:06, closed)
I'm surprised
That Harlow isn't up there either.
But good work on getting the list up, saves arguements, ha!
(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 11:10, closed)
Where the T is silent.
(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 11:13, closed)
I worked in Redcar for 18 months or so but I had nothing to do with the conception rate. I have standards. (They're low, but they're there)

But I did see an astounding amount of under-age drinkers in the pubs. And they weren't shy about coming forward. I was propositioned a few times - blow-jobs or sex for drinks. And no, I didn't accept....

(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 11:17, closed)
In Harlow
Noone can hear you scream....
(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 11:22, closed)
I was born
In Harlow.


*gets out rope, heads to Paddington railway station*
(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 11:27, closed)
For comparison, the best...

Buckinghamshire 2.8

Windsor and Maidenhead 3.0

Shropshire 3.1

Kingston Upon Thames 3.5

Bracknell Forest 3.5

North Yorkshire County 3.6 - not counting sheep.

Westminster, City of 3.7

Halton 3.9

Bedforshire 4.1

Surrey 4.1
(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 11:37, closed)
Hull's only 7th?
I'm honestly quite surprised, considering all the fucking chavvy mums i used to see day in and day out.
(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 11:41, closed)
I've lived in three of those places. Can definitely believe it about Haringey.

Not guilty of any of the stats though...
(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 11:47, closed)
I'd have thought Windsor would be higher
It's so fucking boring there, not much else to do.

Although they're pretty inbred, so maybe there's a low reproductive sucess.
(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 11:48, closed)
I've lived there, and thought it was quite posh.
(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 11:52, closed)
Surprised at Shropshire
Seeing as I work there (well, not for much longer) and some of the locals appear to have too many toes and score highly on the Banjo-meter Scale of Relative-Porkery.

I used to live next door to Harlow (but crucially in Hertfordshire) so can empathise with Kaol.
(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 11:57, closed)
Pah, that's nothing
Dundee trumps the lot of them!
(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 12:02, closed)
I'm not surprised at Donny in the slightest
But I thought Barnsley would be much higher.
(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 12:22, closed)
Dundee- the City of Sexual Discovery
Dundee- 80 per 1000 according to the link given above! Bloody hell, that's a lot of popped cherries!

Can't say I'm responsible for any of those births, though.

It does seem pretty accurate, though... anyone want to see Dundee city center and check the kid to adult ratio? www.dundeecity.gov.uk/webcam (requires Java version 1.5 or lower for some weird reason...). You can even zoom in and out and pan/tilt the cameras!
(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 12:43, closed)
Trust the Jocks to trump me...

But I must say I suspect the figures. 80 per 1000 seems waaaay too high given that the highest in England is 18.4.

Then again, any nation that invents deep-fried pizza and deep-fried Mars Bars are capable of anything..

Hoots mon the noo!!!
(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 12:53, closed)
^and runs the country (into the ground)
Ahem. Sorry.

Has anyone got the figures for Bethesda?
(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 13:29, closed)
A mate of mine
used to comment about how many 'wretched looking people' he saw during a walk through Dundee.

Sad, but true.

Ach, Dundee's not that bad really, and it's improved a lot over the last 15 years, but the teen pregnancy rate is still astronomical.
(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 14:17, closed)
The contrasting "best" and "worst" figures would suggest that my moving from Kingston-upon-Thames to Lambeth was a daft idea...

Oh well.
(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 15:21, closed)
I live in Maidenhead
I'm quite suprised it's that low - must be balanced out by all the posh Windsor kids! Having said that, the majority of the people I know who are pregnant are at least 18, just don't look like they are I guess, and I only know one person who has got pregnant before GCSEs
(, Wed 23 Apr 2008, 23:31, closed)
"Family Planning Executive Director Dr Gill Greer says New Zealand has the third highest teen pregnancy rate in the developed world"

Nuff said.
(, Thu 24 Apr 2008, 5:54, closed)

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