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This is a question Killed to DEATH

Speedevil asks: What have you killed? Accidentally, or on purpose. Concepts, species, a man in Reno, the career of a well-known entertainer, or anything else.

(, Thu 22 Dec 2011, 13:18)
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The career of my new boss
A much larger company bought the 30-man organisation I'd been working at for the past 10 years. They bought us mostly for the project I'd been in charge of for the previous 4 years. I was the Development manager and my best mate was lead developer.

The larger company decided they wanted their own man in charge so I was effectively demoted along with a compensatory sizeable cash sum and the rest of our company (including some good friends) were systematically screwed over.

Fortunately my salary, contract and benefits stayed the same.

Initially I gave this guy the benefit of the doubt, up until the point when I realised he clearly fancied making a name for himself off the back of my efforts and started trying to throw his weight around.

Knowing the company desperately needed to keep me employed I started to seriously take the piss, bordering on downright subordination.

I was happy to argue with anyone or anything who was willing to listen, even to the whole board of directors. I feared nobody. I felt like a god telling these overpaid managers they didn't know their arses from their elbows and my lack of respect reflected badly on my boss.

After about 12 months he was sidelined and we were appointed 2 or 3 other bosses who I, along with my best mate helped ruin. But still they needed our expertise.

It was about 5 years after the take-over, at the final Christmas party before we all got made redundant that the first boss staggered up to me as I was stood with my best mate, poked me in the chest and drunkenly slurred,"You fcuking well ruined my career here, you did."

"Naw mate. You ruined it yourself." I replied and I we walked off.

Probably the last time I spoke to him. Not sure what he's doing now but I do wish him well. He was a nice guy, I just don't like being bossed around by manager wannabes.
(, Thu 22 Dec 2011, 15:21, 18 replies)
This makes you personally sound like an absolute cunt - and not in a good way.
Arrogant, self-impressed, petty and unjustifiably malicious.
(, Thu 22 Dec 2011, 15:27, closed)
^ This
If the guy really had been a bad manager he would have ruined his own career all by himself, without needing any 'help' from you picking stupid arguments all the time. Ultimately it was the company for which you'd worked hard for ten years that you were fucking over.
(, Thu 22 Dec 2011, 15:44, closed)
Perhaps I didn't put it across properly
I only picked arguments I know I can win, and where I'm right.
I didn't actively go looking for them but wouldn't roll over when I was in the right.
(, Thu 22 Dec 2011, 15:50, closed)
Oh, that's alright then.
You sound lovely now.
(, Thu 22 Dec 2011, 16:37, closed)
Thank you!
I am.
(, Thu 22 Dec 2011, 16:48, closed)
I am!
We gave him every chance to do a good job but he repeatedly screwed us over. His colleagues screwed over my friends. It became a battleground.
(, Thu 22 Dec 2011, 15:46, closed)
and you really, honestly believe this comes across well?

(, Thu 22 Dec 2011, 15:46, closed)
It's a thread about killing things
Do you think 'coming across well' is the point of this topic?
(, Thu 22 Dec 2011, 15:50, closed)
well, no.
but yours is a story about annoying a middle manager. or do you think 'i was a bit of a prick at work once' is the point of this topic?
(, Thu 22 Dec 2011, 16:02, closed)
No. But helping kill someone's career is.
It's even mentioned in the topic up there ^
(, Thu 22 Dec 2011, 16:07, closed)
You're back on form. feeling better?

(, Thu 22 Dec 2011, 20:18, closed)

"I started seriously to take the piss"
(, Thu 22 Dec 2011, 16:01, closed)
Are you sure?
Hm. Grammar pervert.
(, Thu 22 Dec 2011, 16:09, closed)
"bordering on downright subordination."
So you did as you were told?
(, Thu 22 Dec 2011, 16:48, closed)
Mostly, yes.
I didn't want to give them any legally enforcable way to get rid of me other than 'He's a right cunt.' Which everyone had already established.
(, Thu 22 Dec 2011, 16:50, closed)
This is excellent,
even if it does make you sound like a bit of a prick.
(, Thu 22 Dec 2011, 18:00, closed)
Get you lot
attempting to take the moral high ground.
(, Thu 22 Dec 2011, 19:01, closed)
To join in
I don't think this makes you sound like a prick. Good work.
(, Sat 24 Dec 2011, 21:45, closed)

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