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This is a question Little Victories

I recently received a £2 voucher from a supermarket after complaining vociferously about the poor quality of their own-brand Rich Tea biscuits, which I spent on more tasty, tasty biscuits. Tell us about your trivial victories that have made life a tiny bit better.

(, Thu 10 Feb 2011, 12:07)
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And I made the mistake of making my posts amusing rather than keening and needy.

Im doin it rong!
(, Sat 12 Feb 2011, 19:36, 1 reply)

I'm adding 'amusing' to the long list of concepts with which you appear to be entirely unfamiliar.
(, Sat 12 Feb 2011, 19:56, closed)
No ... wait ... that was shit too.
(, Sat 12 Feb 2011, 23:32, closed)
Being described as 'shit' by someone for whom I have no respect whatsoever leaves me battling a veritable tsunami of complete indifference.
(, Sat 12 Feb 2011, 23:56, closed)
Indifferent enough to reply at midnight and half three on a saturday night.
You're a fucking winner and no mistake.
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 7:35, closed)

Yes, I suppose coming in from the pub on a saturday evening, checking b3ta (and posting a whole 24 mins after you), playing a bit of l4d, checking b3ta, then going to bed is the hallmark of a very sad life. Far worse than being up in front of the keyboard, bitter and seething, at half seven on a sunday morning.

Really, if you've reduced yourself to pointing out timestamps, you might as well quit now. You have nothing worthwhile to say.
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 13:06, closed)
You're right. Having breakfast with my children is exactly the same as staying up until three for an argument on the interwebs.
But hey ... if you're determined to demonstrate that you're a loser in real life as well as the interwebs then you knock yourself out.
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 13:09, closed)

Wow, you managed to breed. That's some pretty high-end stuff right there - really, very few manage it at all. For what it's worth, so have I - is there a prize?

Odd you should suggest that those who have been unable/unwilling to reproduce are 'losers', though. That's fairly arrogant, rather self-absorbed - 'they're not like me, so they must be wrong'. Shows you up as even more of a dick than I'd previously expected.

EDIT: you really are keen on this unmarked, after-the-fact editing, aren't you? Almost as if you're worried about random strangers thinking badly of you. Not the first time either, it seems...
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 13:16, closed)
Keep going.
This is gold.

Well ... not really gold ... more gold-painted porcelain. Like those dogs your gran has on either side of her electric fire.
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 13:23, closed)
i want to use that.
(, Wed 16 Feb 2011, 15:30, closed)
I'm gonna use that...

(, Thu 17 Feb 2011, 11:00, closed)
It must be fun being your kids
"Hey Dad! Guess what I did at school!"

"Why would I be interested in your day you needy little prick"

"I had to stand up infront of the class and read a book, I was terrified"

"So, your story is 'I read some words'. Loser"
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 13:17, closed)

It's a beautiful vignette of family life.
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 13:23, closed)
Shit. You're right.
If only I'd spent three hours of the night playing video games instead.

Im doin it rong agen.
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 13:27, closed)

Well, I did consider popping out for a quick decathalon, but what with it being past midnight, post pub, I thought a little l4d might be more appropriate. Silly me.

Besdes which, your 83'000 posts on /talk (all shit) rather erode your moral highground in this respect.
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 13:41, closed)
Thatta boy!
Keep it personal. Make sure everybody can see it's got under your skin. You're heading for a historic victory.

Fast reader though. Teacher must be proud.
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 13:46, closed)
really? Given what you've posted above, you're honestly going to try for that?

Keep indulging your pathalogical need to have the last word in every single thread, though...
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 13:53, closed)
Enough !
Sort this out in the carpark like proper chaps
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 14:53, closed)
You racist cranberry.

(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 19:31, closed)
I'm quite enjoying the rubbernecking
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 23:44, closed)
Have to agree with Happy Phantom
None of your responses can be classed as amusing. You are way too quick with the personal insults.

I have read with alarm stories of the legal establishment trying to take over the internet. Just this week Twitter posts were legally classed as public domain. Do we really want the internet to be policed? Then people like you come along, intent on causing disruption and I start to think that something needs to be done. Internet freedom will only work if everybody plays nicely.
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 9:06, closed)

(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 9:09, closed)

(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 9:17, closed)
If you think this is humour, stop trying
You write like a bully and a forum troll.

It makes you sound like a really nasty person,
I hope you don't treat friends and family this way.
(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 14:04, closed)
Fuck. It's the Internet Judge.

(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 14:08, closed)
You horrid keyboard bully. I pity you.

(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 16:12, closed)
im only 12 and what is this?

(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 17:13, closed)

(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 15:28, closed)

(, Sun 13 Feb 2011, 15:50, closed)

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