Misheard and Misunderstood
Rachelswipe says: My niece - after months of begging - was finally allowed to get a hamster, and her grandfather was utterly horrified to learn that it had been called "Nipples", a pretty good name for a pet if you ask us. Alas, it was only the more mundane "Nibbles" - what have you misheard or misunderstood, with truly hilarious consequences?
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 21:35)
'scuse me while I kiss this guy
Plague Hedgehog 'posting crap', Thu 28 Aug 2014, 21:41,
6 replies)
and then you'll answer the question?
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 21:51,
It's actually meant to be pronounced "My Israelite".
eViLegion Chief Commissioner of the Scottish Lunacy Board, Fri 29 Aug 2014, 10:33,
I too have read The Crow Road.
stuj (^(^;;^)^) GO TEAM SPIDERS!(^(^;;^)^), Fri 29 Aug 2014, 13:28,
I think you'll find it's "...while I kiss that policeman...".
No idea why so many people get it wrong.
Me, I'm not... in any way intoxicated, Sun 31 Aug 2014, 13:37,