My Saviour
Labour leader Ed Miliband recently dashed into the middle of a road to save a fallen cyclist. Who has come to your rescue? Have you ever been the rescuer?
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 9 May 2013, 13:29)
I don't hear sperm donors getting this sort of praise.
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black, Fri 10 May 2013, 13:36,
1 reply)
Or 'rapists', as the gutter press will insist on labeling us.
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black, Fri 10 May 2013, 13:41,
rape lols
TheManWithThePlan cussed your mum on, Fri 10 May 2013, 13:57,
One tiny change to that statement, and the police would be kicking your door in.
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black, Fri 10 May 2013, 14:04,
^ back
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob, Fri 10 May 2013, 14:41,
One tiny change to that statement, and the police would be kicking your back in.
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black, Fri 10 May 2013, 14:42,