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This is a question No Self-Awareness

I had a boss who had no idea of his body odour problem, and everybody was too tactful to break it to him. Not so a visiting Rev Ian Paisley: "What the blazes is that smell? Is it you?" That sorted it. Stories of people blissfully unaware of their bad smells, bad manners and foghorn voices.

Suggested by Ding Dong Montily on High

(, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 13:31)
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So your story is that you were bullied by schoolgirls?
(, Sat 1 Dec 2012, 10:26, 2 replies)
Pit bulls with make-up more like...
(, Sat 1 Dec 2012, 11:10, closed)
So how long have you hated the working classes?
I'm sure if it had been young Toby and Jemimah you might have deigned to let them use the stairs for their intended purpose, rather than blocking them with a sodding table and then winging when they failed to show proper deference and get out of your way.
(, Sat 1 Dec 2012, 11:38, closed)

the working classes pond life

Spending your whole life mooching off the state doesn't count as work.
(, Sat 1 Dec 2012, 12:41, closed)
See ... I've met plenty of working people who are rude as fuck and covered in make-up. Check out the perfume counters of your nearest department store.
And I've met at least one lazy good-for-fuck-all dosser who was charming as peas. Loveliest lazy cunt you could ever hope to meet.

Teenage girls are basically fucking horrible. I'm not sure that tells you much about whether they're bound for a life of unemployment and state benefits.
(, Sun 2 Dec 2012, 9:30, closed)
Working class people would have let the table-carrier through.
Chav scum are not working class -- they have no work ethic or respect for anyone. Associating rude slags with working class people is an insult to decent people.
Edit: He OP is still a pussy though.
(, Sat 1 Dec 2012, 15:21, closed)
grow some balls, you whimpering Nancy.

(, Sat 1 Dec 2012, 11:49, closed)
the reason you cannot empathise with people who post stories like this is that you sport (or have previously disguised yourself with) serial killer facial hair.
Of course chavs won't bother you, any more than anyone will.
There's a mostly rational fear response felt by many people when confronted by a sasquatch in the street, it's an involuntary response at instinct level; avoid eye contact and if it moves towards me, run away or it will probably kill me.
(, Sat 1 Dec 2012, 16:26, closed)
Hey. It's not my fault that you're trapped in pubescence.

(, Sun 2 Dec 2012, 9:31, closed)

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