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Home » Question of the Week » Office Christmas Parties » Post 20073 | Search
This is a question Office Christmas Parties

My office this year is having Christmas lunch. In the office. On some desks we are going to clear the monitors off. The computers underneath will keep running as we are behind on some deadlines and need to keep rendering.

OK, so some people aren't getting anything, but how Scrooge-like are your bosses when it comes to Christmas?

(, Thu 16 Dec 2004, 14:42)
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our price
Working for a record shop some years ago, our christmas bonus was a CD of your choice. You had to pay for the tax on this, so it was taken out of your January wagepacket. Even if you didn't take up the generous offer of the cd, you still had to pay the tax on it
(, Mon 20 Dec 2004, 11:15, Reply)

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