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Home » Question of the Week » Office Christmas Parties » Post 20086 | Search
This is a question Office Christmas Parties

My office this year is having Christmas lunch. In the office. On some desks we are going to clear the monitors off. The computers underneath will keep running as we are behind on some deadlines and need to keep rendering.

OK, so some people aren't getting anything, but how Scrooge-like are your bosses when it comes to Christmas?

(, Thu 16 Dec 2004, 14:42)
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or the work chrimbo party at the bar where I work (in ze Fatherland if you couldn't tell..) Exactly the opposite of a scrooge for a boss, free bar and all you could eat all night! And we even had the cheesey "secret santa" thing... It transpires ze germans have caught on to the english chrimbo - I got socks and a t-shirt.
Woo and Yay - who would have thought you could get completely battered on Glühwein???
Definitely no Happiness Nazis here (perhaps due to the fact that the twunts are banned here?!)
(, Mon 20 Dec 2004, 16:45, Reply)

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