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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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No, it was the curb it bit, although it might have swallowed some dust.
as it gets smacked by the car; and think about how big a car is compared to a cat, it would be like you getting hit by an oil tanker... Think about the speed and ratios, the oil tanker moving at 109s of miles per hour, wouldnt stand a chance. If your lucky it'll hit the head straight on for an instant death, otherwise you'll feel bone and cartridge going through skin as it is crushed beyond recognition... Until the limp mostly dead body reaches the side of the curb, looking up at the gods as it curses it's protector and master for not keeping it safely away from the dangerous main road.
(, Wed 24 Aug 2011, 16:15, 1 reply, 13 years ago)
maybe one day it will happen to him too
we can but hope
(, Wed 24 Aug 2011, 16:16, Reply)
Nah', humans are more important than cats, in my books.
So if it's Karma that means he gets hit by the land oil tanker; because that's what happened to the cat (keeping ratios here)... then about 499 more cats would have to do die in that way too. And that many dead cats would lead to a lot of upset PETA people.
(, Wed 24 Aug 2011, 16:23, Reply)

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