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Flouncing is quite underated.
You get to see the real world for a while.
(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:15, 2 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I really think it's for me, Oathsy old feller old pal.
This could be it!!!!!! Big wide world time. Top down, cruising on the highway, some dismal shite like Whitesnake or another bent MOR rock act, you know, like Al likes, on the stereo. No place special to go - free, like the wind.
(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:21, Reply)
Lusty next to you.
Just got to pass your driving test and you'll be away!
(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:23, Reply)
Living the American Dream.
And to think - it all starts with one little flounce.
(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:25, Reply)
A guy at work has passed his theory test four times
and each time just hasn't bothered taking his practical.

*shakes head*
(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:25, Reply)
Why would he take it a further three times if he passed it first time?

(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:26, Reply)
They only last for two years or something.

(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:27, Reply)
Kids today. Tsk.

(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:31, Reply)
Fuck Yeah!
Just do it man! Get out and grab the world by the nutsack! Rock and Roll dude, like, just cruisin' around, mirror shades, loud shirt, in a Triumph Stag. Chicks dig those old cars.
(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:27, Reply)
I think I might listen to some Bruce Springsteen!!!!

(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:28, Reply)
oooh, dunno.
can be a bit dark. Dire Straits I reckon.
(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:29, Reply)
Perhaps Bryan Adams is just the ticket.
I think you might be right about 'the voice of blue collar America;' aka 'The Boss'. I don't want to get upset about the collapse of the Detroit automotive industry or anything.
(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:31, Reply)
The Dan Reed Network is more you, I think.
They are playing the Grand Marriott Ballroom, Portland on New Year's Eve.
(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:34, Reply)
They've got a good name.
'Network' sounds really space-age and computery!!!! Much better than 'Band'.
(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:41, Reply)
Bryan Adams.
Spot on! And, he's a bit of a rebel 'cos he spells his name a bit different.

Although, to be honsett, I'd sooner endure a glass rod down the jap eye, and whack it with a hammer than listen to more than 15 seconds of Bryan Adams.
(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:34, Reply)
I think I might do that AND listen to pock-faced warbler Adams.

(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:36, Reply)
Mate, it's your life.
Don't let anyone stop you doing whatever you want - urethra full of crunchy glass and Bryan Adams seems a perfect match.
(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:38, Reply)
Just me, Bry, a glass rod and a whole world of possibilities.

(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:42, Reply)
And as an added bonus,,
The nurses at A&E touch your dick as they try to remove the glass. Great way to meet chicks.

So yeah, flouncing has it's benefits.
(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:48, Reply)
I am pretty much 100% sold on this.

(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:54, Reply)
Anyway mate,
I gotta get to bead (midnight here). Have to be at work in 6 hours.

Good luck with the flouncing and bad music, but it's a relief to come back here and post inane shit.
(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:58, Reply)
Night night, Kenny-boy.

(, Fri 16 Nov 2012, 13:59, Reply)

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