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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Who wants an internet fight?
Yeah? Yeah?

Well you'll have to do it amongst yourselves. Making ice cream and then I'll probably watch a film. Soz. And I've got you all on ignore 2.0 anyway. Except for whichever Legless alt account is currently pretending to have breasts. Lovely breasts.

alt: cheers
alt alt: cheers cheers

This post is written in 5/4 time in honour of the late Dave Brubeck. Nice.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 21:22, 14 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
you internet wanker
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 22:15, Reply)
Ha ha!
You got beaten up by Legless
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 22:21, Reply)
um, CQ?
It's only you and Legless that think that.

Exactly how special are your educational needs?
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 22:33, Reply)
I liked the bit where you went crying to /talk best.
I tell a lie, I liked it better when they told you to do one and laughed at you for being a sad little girly man. Yeah, that bit. I ROFLed.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 22:39, Reply)
you missed the bit where legless looked like the bigger prick then?

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 22:48, Reply)
you both looked like losers

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 22:49, Reply)
seeing as I specified 'bigger', Ruari, your point is redundant.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 22:54, Reply)
wow, taking the internet seriously and using real names
tsk tsk.

good job no one know's yours, eh Tom?
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 23:18, Reply)
He's called Adam.
It's short for "Ohh hello ma neem's plumdozer and a luke leek Adam Levine from Marrun 5!"
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 23:40, Reply)
he's also surprisingly bad at hiding his identity online for such a paranoid type...

ah well, off to bed now. night zippy.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 23:43, Reply)
I've just been to have a look at this much vaunted dispute
It's not really a very good advert for anything apart from a crash course in social skills, is it?
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 23:07, Reply)
No I don't want a fight.
I'm a nice peaceful chap but if Battered is still about I have answered his curry dilemma.

Also - I've just learned tonight that all the royalties from "Take 5" go to the Red Cross and have done for many years, so well done the dead Brubeck.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 22:16, Reply)
That sockpuppet put me on 2.0 for some reason.
Some folk have very thin skins.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 22:26, Reply)
Me too.
Terrible injustice. He hadn't even shown us his breasts.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 22:53, Reply)

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