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Haha, gutted.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Tue 12 Feb 2013, 19:11,
1 reply,
12 years ago)
Haha all you like. Which of us will be staying in on their own, weeping desolately about their miserable existence, moaning about their intact virginity on the 14th?
One clue, it won't be me.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Tue 12 Feb 2013, 19:15,
You'll be stalking the streets, sidling up to lone women and whispering 'I'M AVAILABLE LADIES' into their ears instead?
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Tue 12 Feb 2013, 19:17,
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Tue 12 Feb 2013, 19:18,
Yeah right, like you're going to be able sneak up on women and whisper in their ears whilst your lugging a step;ladder around.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Tue 12 Feb 2013, 19:54,
Wheels on the bottom of your ladders are your friend.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Tue 12 Feb 2013, 20:12,
Nah' man, I've been saving up half a pill for the last two weeks every day so on thursday I won't care in the slightest !
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Tue 12 Feb 2013, 19:39,
Yes. Opiates are the way forward for you. Perhaps not for the more settled in society, but enjoy it eh?
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Tue 12 Feb 2013, 19:41,
C'mon now grumpy chops, there's the whole prescribed and self medicated thing you're forgetting there.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Tue 12 Feb 2013, 19:46,
I have prescription Cocodamol for my back.
I've taken them at work before (for the pain) and they're really mellow. Wouldn't take them for recreational use though.
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Tue 12 Feb 2013, 19:48,
I'm on quite stronger stuff, you can't get much stronger without being hospitalised, but its all about your resistance.
Like how I can get under the table after 3 pints where as that wouldn't touch the sides with others.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Tue 12 Feb 2013, 19:56,
yeah I know it's not really comparable
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Tue 12 Feb 2013, 20:19,
So, drugs or a relationship. Which would you choose if you had a choice?
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Tue 12 Feb 2013, 19:50,
is that an open question, or just for Gonz?
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Tue 12 Feb 2013, 19:51,
Why 'or' ?
I can't have a standard of living without them any more* than you could with your epeleptic pills.
* In fact, I'd say I'd have less of a standard of living than you would... not that I know your medical records any more than you know mine, but I believe your fits'n'stuff only happen a few times a year normally, where as I'm in pain every day without them.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Tue 12 Feb 2013, 19:54,
I haven't had a seizure in 4 years, but that's beside the point.
You clearly have a prescription med' dependency issue and are choosing to spend an evening monged on them as you don't have a better way to spend it, but still proclaim on one hand that you have a great way of life, despite being a pathetic lonely single individual.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Tue 12 Feb 2013, 20:17,
And there goes the 'four years without' record.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Tue 12 Feb 2013, 20:31,
woocfot friends with Sacha Distel, Tue 12 Feb 2013, 20:40,
Well, of course I have a dependancy on a drug I need to maintain my quality of life.
There's no point in being sad or upset about life for any extensive period of time, it is what it is and its not oing to change. I wasn't serious about saving up my pills, I'll have exactly what I need on that day, and that'll be it.
Let's say you truly believed what you said, that you believe that i'm deeply depressed... What sort of person gains pleasure by pointing that out? Knowing that such a thing, should it be true, would push them further into the recesses of that discontentment with life?
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Tue 12 Feb 2013, 20:43,
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