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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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12th beverage of the evening. Oh dear. This won't end well.

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:09, 37 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
are you out or in?

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:09, Reply)
London B4SH innit

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:10, Reply)
why is he here instead of talking to them?

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:11, Reply)
Somebody didn't let Batts out of the high chair when they went outside for a smoke
He's killing time
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:14, Reply)

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:49, Reply)
have you finished colouring in your graphic novels?

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:54, Reply)
lol no one cares about this thread in the slightest

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 23:06, Reply)
We should start a thread about Momo.

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 23:08, Reply)
I'm too fucking knackered to click through all those links to find another thread
someone told me to watch some shit about vampires on the tellybox, what a fucking load of wank that was, it was like carry on screaming crossed with Friends, watched like three minutes then gave up, fuck telly
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 23:11, Reply)
No, because the cunts haven't delivered them.
Honestly Frank, this is a worse day than when some bloke called me 'Onerous Fadger' on QOTW.
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 23:08, Reply)
well maybe people would be more polite if you weren't such a horrible online bully all the time
and at least you've got another day to practice keeping all the colour inside the lines
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 23:09, Reply)
Every cloud Frank, every cloud.

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 23:14, Reply)
SUP Batts
Was the food good?
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:10, Reply)
Oh dear, indeed.
Are you all having fun?
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:10, Reply)
I think that they will be having headaches and woes in the morning

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:12, Reply)
I think we should all talk very loudly tomorrow morning.

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:14, Reply)

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:15, Reply)

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:15, Reply)
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:17, Reply)
Will you cup Monty for me?
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:11, Reply)
I bet you're one of those wankers that goes;
Drink, glass of water, drink, glass of water, and so on, so really, you've had 6 small glasses of wine.
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:19, Reply)
Fuck I'm one of them wankers that .....
has a pint of water between each pint.
I guess it's old age
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:22, Reply)
really hh?
That's fucking disappointing. I quite liked you.
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:23, Reply)
I only ever drink water on nights out if I'm doing pills.

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:24, Reply)
When you get to my age, that's every night.

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:33, Reply)
clicking this

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:33, Reply)
Believe me I can drink and hold it, but at a certain age you ask yourself why bother

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:29, Reply)
Me too.
Although, to be fair, I don't alternate with water, just plain Diet Pepsi. If I drink alcohol every round, I'm wankered pretty quickly. Very low tolerance for alcohol, me.
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:25, Reply)
I don't really go out that much
I've always kept my wits about me when I do
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:28, Reply)
Do you have to be up at 5.30 tomorrow in order to murder a Polish prostitute?
If not, shut your whingeing gob and enjoy the lie-in.
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:27, Reply)
Them and their 'secret b4sh' fun.
(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:32, Reply)

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:34, Reply)
yeah, I just don't care, soz

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:29, Reply)

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:30, Reply)
294 days to christmas!

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:52, Reply)
Well guess this is goodnight

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:43, Reply)
Thanks, one of the two Ronnies.

(, Wed 6 Mar 2013, 22:49, Reply)

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