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Who would you chuck a pie at?
alt:What type of pie?

altalt:I like pies
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 21:07, 59 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
alt: shit

altalt: prick
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 21:26, Reply)
Bless are you in on a Saturday night
Life must be good
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 21:29, Reply)
I was out last night and I'm recording some mixes

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 21:35, Reply)
How did the date go?

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 21:37, Reply)
what date?

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 21:37, Reply)
stop acting all coy..........
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 21:38, Reply)
Fuck off Hartley Hare
As if I'm going to tell you anything.

Is this another of your CUNNING TRAPS?
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 21:39, Reply)
Nahhhhhh man all the fight has gone out off me
I'm just here to shoot shit and ting.

so come on spill the beans
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 21:42, Reply)
nah, fuck off

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 21:43, Reply)
OK did that
now I'm back........

hey here is one fo you can you get the records on this tune.

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 21:45, Reply)
nah, fuck off
I'm busy, posting from my phone

So fuck off
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 21:47, Reply)
Thats kinda harsh
Don't you have any love for me no more?
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 21:48, Reply)
I never did

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 21:48, Reply)
You've been playing me all this time?
fuck man thats kinda wrong
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 21:49, Reply)
I'm willing to let it go
lets do a music off again that was fun
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 21:54, Reply)
Oh yeah great start a new thread when i'm in the old one wondering where everyone is.
You alright? tell me about yourself, whatcha do? whereya come from? wheredya go? where'dya come from cotton-eye hare.
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 21:30, Reply)
Sup Gonz
I thought you and SSG needed the space, or a ROOM.

Tell me about about your latest takeaway that's gonna be much more interesting
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 21:34, Reply)
Took me 2 and a half hours to get home yesterday 'cus the trains were fucked, so I picked up a kabab.
I've recently discovered the delight that is Gnocki, and today I disovered on top of that, you can just fry it up instead of boiling. Just gotta shove over some pasta sauce and kaplowy, dinner in 5 minutes. Waitrose got some well good ice creams in at the moment, pistachio/coffee/coconut'n'lime/etc; so I've got some coffee ice cream over a warm expresso brownie for desert.

Lay down something, not asking for national insurance, what field do you work in?
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 21:59, Reply)
gnocki is ok, been eating that for over 40 years
I'm a senior buyer, My feild is all about cutting deals at the right price
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:03, Reply)
I only disovered it about a month ago, kicks the shit out of pasta if the mood is right.
Sweet, what industry? Can you score me some "Flamin' Hot Wotsits"? They're like crack.
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:21, Reply)
Ooh, I love fried gnocchi
makes a nice change with steak instead of chips.
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:17, Reply)
alright Lighters?

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:19, Reply)
Needs MOAR mushrooms

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:20, Reply)
I had a steak this evening
diced some mushrooms and shallots and part-cooked them first, then took them out and put the steak in the pan, then put them back in to finish while the steak was resting.

Worked out very nicely.
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:23, Reply)
Sounds nice

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:25, Reply)
Gives the steak a mushroomy taste
and the mushrooms a steaky taste.
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:25, Reply)
Fuck off lighty
you're making me hungry
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:26, Reply)
Eat something
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:34, Reply)
Can't be arsed tell the truth
I'll leave it till I make breakfast
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:37, Reply)
I'll be having ubercoffee with mine

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:56, Reply)
Lighty I'm gonna call it it a night
Goodnight peace out and all
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 23:00, Reply)

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 23:08, Reply)

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 23:09, Reply)
Deep fried? *interested*

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:22, Reply)
in the pan while the steak is resting.
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:29, Reply)

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:00, Reply)
are you back in blighty Batts?
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:04, Reply)
Finally. Got home at 6.45pm.

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:06, Reply)
Sounds shit
hope you have ordered a curry to help get rid of the taste of Poland
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:08, Reply)
Nope. Chilled out with my daughter, then had a row with my wife!

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:15, Reply)
You're a terrible husband.

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:16, Reply)
At least I'm married.
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:30, Reply)
You're such a child.

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:31, Reply)
he has his hamster Grace

Hamster = family
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:34, Reply)
That is life
after a hard day, I bet you really needed that
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:19, Reply)
Evening all
I trekked all the way over to Ealing this afternoon to pick up a bottle of The Black Blood of The Earth which I shall be trying tomorrow. Didn't seem wise to try it today. 2/3rds of a bottle is the LD50 of caffeine.
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:19, Reply)
Lighty in da house
so who would you chuck a pie at?
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:21, Reply)
Nick Clegg, duh.
Got to be the first choice. No, wait, George Osbourne. No, IDS.

Can I make a pie 250 feet in diameter and drop it from space?
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:24, Reply)
It's kinda open the pie may be as big as you want

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:25, Reply)
I have my ears wrapped around this
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:26, Reply)
Put that thread back on
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:29, Reply)
it's dead
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:30, Reply)
I would have spoken up loud for you

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:35, Reply)
before he gets TYPO angry
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:28, Reply)
What thread?

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:34, Reply)
I started one, no takers, so I euthanised it.
It was mine to kill, so I snuffed it out.
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:35, Reply)
Dozer deleted it

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:35, Reply)
Exposition really isn't your strong point, is it?

(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:36, Reply)
Come on PD
you know I have nothing but time for you
(, Sat 13 Apr 2013, 22:39, Reply)

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