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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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At the end of our cul-de-sac, there's a chip shop.
An endless procession of cunts park across the mouth of the street. Some of them get very upset at passive-aggressive notes on their windscreen saying 'if you needs your chips so badly you have to block the road rather than walk an extra five yards I'd consider giving them up, fatty'.
(, Wed 17 Apr 2013, 8:42, 3 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Named after the Marquis de Sac

(, Wed 17 Apr 2013, 8:42, Reply)
I'm a fan of note leaving.
We've got limited parking on my street, so if someone does that thing where they take up 2 spaces, I like to leave a note explaining their idiocy. It was in the parish newsletter as "phantom angry note leaver"
I'm practically a bond villain.
(, Wed 17 Apr 2013, 8:44, Reply)
You'd make a good Bond villain
I'd like to be a Bond villain's #1 henchman. Named "Mr" something.
(, Wed 17 Apr 2013, 8:45, Reply)
'windy Pig' is a great title for a Bond film.
Adele could sing the song and it'd be a description the artiste and the film.
(, Wed 17 Apr 2013, 8:47, Reply)
It practically writes itself. Also, 'Ginger' rhymes with 'Ninja'. There's something in that, certainly.
(, Wed 17 Apr 2013, 8:48, Reply)
Yet it doesn't rhyme with 'singer'
Weird, eh?
(, Wed 17 Apr 2013, 8:50, Reply)
English is such a prick!
(, Wed 17 Apr 2013, 8:50, Reply)
It's certainly a bastard mongrel of a language.
But I rather like it.
(, Wed 17 Apr 2013, 8:52, Reply)
Yeah, I think I'll stick with it
for now
(, Wed 17 Apr 2013, 8:58, Reply)
That's no way to speak to your wife

(, Wed 17 Apr 2013, 8:46, Reply)

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