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for those not sick of my bathroom saga, here is the latest:
the plumber has been in today and finished off his work.

nothing leaks
the shower is hot as hell and twice as powerful
the towel radiator isn't going to fall of the wall as I had feared, it looks good and works a treat.

yay for having hot water again, and for all bathroom related fears to have disappeared!
(, Wed 6 Aug 2008, 14:35, 13 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Put the hot water on.....
I'm coming over : )
(, Wed 6 Aug 2008, 14:38, Reply)
Ah, building work.
I'm hoping that we have a fully-functioning kitchen by Saturday - just in time for us going away for a couple of days on Sunday!
(, Wed 6 Aug 2008, 14:55, Reply)
Hurray for Plumbing!
I wish I could redo my bathroom. As I don't own it, however, it's not gonna happen!

Is the shower so powerful that you can make a wavem and therefore surf in the comfort of your own salle de bain? If so, it is the best bathroom in the world!
(, Wed 6 Aug 2008, 15:22, Reply)
Ten points for use of "salle de bain".
(, Wed 6 Aug 2008, 15:22, Reply)
i's not quite that powerful
plus, my board is 9'4" and so wouldn't fit in my bathroom, let alone my bath
(, Wed 6 Aug 2008, 15:28, Reply)
are you seriously suggesting that you didn't design your bathroom to surf in? I thought you'd planned this...
(, Wed 6 Aug 2008, 15:38, Reply)
I had to make do with the room available!
cut me some slack. I took delivery of my new board the other and I could only just get the fucker round the end of the banister to get it out of the hall, let alone get the bastard into the bathroom and surf on it in there!

if you are interested, this is my board. lurid eh?

I love it and I get my first surf on it this weekend, on my birthday!
(, Wed 6 Aug 2008, 15:51, Reply)
If I knew anything about surfing
I'm sure I'd be very impressed. It is very pretty though.

The only time I ever went surfing I did it sans wetsuit on a pebble beach. Being pulled by a wave across that on your stomach is a special kind of pain.
(, Wed 6 Aug 2008, 15:58, Reply)
Looks like a banana
Is it slippery? Teehee.
(, Wed 6 Aug 2008, 15:59, Reply)
I tend to try and avoid being dragged along the bottom or the beach
to be honest a lot of surfers would probably sneer at my board because A) it's a longboard and B) it's made in thailand to a tried and tested shape using new fangled technology rather than hand shaped by someone local

but frankly, it's far more robust and it surfs like a dream (not surfed mine, surfed one the same but red) so I don't give a crap.

surfing is an odd sport in terms of equipment. a board made the conventional way will suffer from pressure dents in the surface quite badly just from regular use, eventually rendering it knackered. they are also pretty brittle and prone to getting holes in them.

I find it hard to accept that my equipment isn't up to the job of resisting damage from use after I've shelled out a few hundred on it.

whereas my board is lighter, floatier and you can turn it upside down and jump up and down on it without it breaking.
(, Wed 6 Aug 2008, 16:02, Reply)
A lot of what other people think is going to be bollocks to be honest. There are set activities in this world where you will always have the poeple who know what they're doing and enjoy it, and are good, and then the people who counteract their lack of skill by collecting fancy equipment and telling you yours isn't good enough.

Are you sure that the colour won't affect the performance? I've heard that blue cars go faster than pink ones....
(, Wed 6 Aug 2008, 16:11, Reply)
well I'm told that green is very unlucky on a vehicle
particularly if the vehicle is to go in or on the water, but I'm sure it will be fine. and it makes me easily identifiable to my associates

I came to the conclusion that most of what people say is bollocks, especially when they have no experience of something.

I tried out a crazy fin on my old board which most people claim is useless and can only make the board go worse. but it was in fact the best thing I could've done to that board.

I don't listen to people any more

or I do, ignore them and reap the benefits
(, Wed 6 Aug 2008, 16:18, Reply)
I try to be tolerant of beginners, after all I was one not that long ago
it used to be the case where most people in the water would be swimming or have bodyboards, now almost everyone has a surfboard which makes things dangerous

I know people have to learn the mechanics of the sport, but they also really need to learn to look around them, look where they are going and learn the rules.

while it may be a solo sport, there's a fair amouunt of etiquette that needs to be observed, mainly to make it safer for everyone.
(, Wed 6 Aug 2008, 16:41, Reply)

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