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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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My weekend
Friday: Went to the local dive. Got drunk.
Saturday: Sat around wasting most of the day. Went to the local dive. Got drunk.
Sunday: Tried to go to the quiz, friends decided it was too busy and they wanted to go elsewhere. Went to the local dive. Got drunk.

I'm starting to see a pattern emerging...
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 11:04, 27 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
What you doing tonight?
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 11:04, Reply)
Hopefully not going to the local dive!
I should be teaching myself not to post replies as new threads ='[
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 11:05, Reply)
But I'll let you off.
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 11:07, Reply)
your local dive like? My local dive has free pool on Mondays, and is always worth a visit. The problem is I don't like drinking on Mondays.
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 11:41, Reply)
It used to be a brilliant little alternative pub by night and "normal" pub by day
But now it's filled with chavs, there's regular fights that the bouncers don't deal with very well, currently the window in the front door is boarded up and usually it smells of vomit.

Mind you it was a bit better when I was in there last week.

I prefer the pub by the river with the awesome quiz night on a Sunday really. Much more pleasant and a rather nice place to sit and enjoy a book and let the world pass you by.
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 11:51, Reply)
I used to go to a pub by the river
with an awesome quiz on Sundays! But the manager left who did them and the guy that does them now isn't as good. Still they have pound a pint on Wednesdays!
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 11:54, Reply)
No pound a pint night for me
The guy who does the quizzes is rather awesome though. Best I've ever finished is 4th. We missed out the monies by half a point =[
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 11:57, Reply)
I dearly wish we had an alternative
pub near me. The nearest one is in Brum now, and that's a bit too far for a drink. The best we've got in town is a scream pub with 3 AC/DC tracks on the jukebox, and if you put them on then the students get annoyed that you interrupted the Arctic Monkeys :(
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 12:09, Reply)
That's pretty sucky
It was always a bit of a halfway house between alternative and studenty I guess but it wasn't a scream pub that's for sure!

Shame we've nowt at all at the moment.
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 12:12, Reply)
Whereabouts d'ye
live if you don't mind me asking? All the students arrive back next week for Warwick Uni; Tuesday and Thursday nights are the ones when you need to barricade yourself in the flat :)
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 12:14, Reply)
himjim are you in Leamington?
And is the scream pub Robins Well?
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 12:16, Reply)
I am!
That's some serious deduction or you used to live in the Spa!
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 12:21, Reply)
I am still living in the Spa! I work on Holly Walk and listen to the police cars zoom past all day :)
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 12:22, Reply)
I live in leafy Hertfordshire. We're filled with students during the holidays and dead quiet the rest of the year.
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 12:25, Reply)
Good lord
How amusing. I knew a couple of b3tans used to live here, but that's pretty fun to know. I used to work on Holly Walk too, at some Gas company!
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 12:27, Reply)
Mr. V, it looks like you're from the county next door to me.

(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 12:27, Reply)
*waves back*
I'm going to guess....Essex?
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 12:30, Reply)
That's right darlin'.

I'm from the nice bit though.
There is one, I promise.
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 12:32, Reply)
Reading through old QOTWs
I have seen a lot of people from Leamington but thought they had all run off!

I don't think I'd blame them...
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 12:35, Reply)
Most of my experiences in Essex have been quite positive although they are filled with [good but currently] sore memories at the moment due to events described in my previous doom and gloom post yesterday.
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 12:46, Reply)
I wasn't about yesterday...
Got a link?

I went to school in Stortford, which is my local half-decently-sized town.

If you're ever about there I'd be more than happy to meet up for a pint.
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 12:53, Reply)
I've got relatives in Stortford although I've never really ventured outside of their houses whilst there.

I'm never one to turn down a pint. I shall return the offer by replacing Stortford with Hertford.
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 13:02, Reply)
Which is the University near you?

@ Grammar Badger - Did you know Aleister Crowley apparently put a curse on Leamington? It always draws people back :)
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 13:26, Reply)
Sounds good to me!
Friday: Suprise party for a friend of mine - Got very drunk.

Saturday: Woke up feeling fresh as a daisy, and decided another party that evening was in order. Got very very drunk.

Sunday: Spent the day either lying on the floor or calling god on the porcelain phone.

All in all, great weekend :D
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 13:28, Reply)
University of Hertfordshire is nearest
But really (in the holidays) we just get full of people that went to school in Hertford but are now at university elsewhere. Rest of the year it's pretty dead - I think university of Hertfordshire folks go out elsewhere.
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 13:29, Reply)
@Agnostic Antichrist
Is it wrong that when I first viewed your profile (and saw just your head in the top photo) my initial reaction was - SHE looks kinda cool...

In my defence I've not got my glasses as I destroyed them in a fit of rage on the way home last night. Bugger.
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 13:32, Reply)
No, it's fine!

Was good fun showing my missus the photo (a few years later) and her going, "Hmmm, she's not bad loo....oh my god it's you!"

Made me laugh for about an hour!
(, Mon 1 Sep 2008, 14:40, Reply)

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