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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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An idea has just popped into my head - a b3ta cook off.

Would be an absolute nightmare (potentially not feasible at all) to organise but the thought of lots of people who enjoy it cooking lots of scrummy food while those that don't ply them with drinks and offer shits and giggles followed by eating until everybody explodes sounds fun.

Would probably require at least one person to remain (reasonably) sober to stop something similar to
(, Tue 2 Sep 2008, 22:08, 25 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
A b3ta Cock-off?
No thanks.
(, Tue 2 Sep 2008, 22:19, Reply)
I'd like to think that nobody would be stupid enough to cook their own (or anybody else's) cock
Isn't really a serious suggestion. Just a mind fart really.
(, Tue 2 Sep 2008, 22:20, Reply)
That German guy
Did it to someone he met through the internet...
So... It could happen.
(, Tue 2 Sep 2008, 22:21, Reply)
resist the urge to google it and find out more...Birthday lists dammit. I must complete my birthday list!
(, Tue 2 Sep 2008, 22:25, Reply)
I remember that
Theother guy was up for it though, so it was all fine and normal.
(, Tue 2 Sep 2008, 22:26, Reply)
Was that the final ruling?
I remember the case- the victim was eager to be killed and cannibalized, so it was an extremely grey area...
(, Tue 2 Sep 2008, 22:30, Reply)
He did get done for it. I guess the other guy wasn't around to back him up on the consensual aspects.
(, Tue 2 Sep 2008, 22:32, Reply)
I'd like to make this clear just on the off chance that there is any doubt
I never want to eat cock be it cooked, uncooked alive or dead.
(, Tue 2 Sep 2008, 22:36, Reply)
What about
(, Tue 2 Sep 2008, 22:36, Reply)
Zombie Cock Surprise!
It'll leave you craving braaaaiiiinnsssss.... or would it be baaaaaallllllsssssss?
(, Tue 2 Sep 2008, 22:40, Reply)
The Turkish district near me
do barbecued testicles. How about a b3ta testicle tasting?
(, Tue 2 Sep 2008, 22:40, Reply)
Not even undead Kaol
The only sort of testicle tasting I could bring myself to partake in would be somebody/thing else tasting my testicles.
(, Tue 2 Sep 2008, 22:46, Reply)
I don't know whether to be alarmed or aroused.

(, Tue 2 Sep 2008, 22:47, Reply)
You need to do it.
If you don't try a testicle everyone will think you're gay.

(, Tue 2 Sep 2008, 22:55, Reply)
Ah balls
Is having snogged a bloke just because we felt like it enough to excuse me from needing to stick cocks in my mouth to prove I'm not gay?
(, Tue 2 Sep 2008, 22:59, Reply)
You've not reached the same epic proportions of man-kissing as me yet, young man.
(, Tue 2 Sep 2008, 23:00, Reply)
To really find out if you're gay you need to take a rather large cock up your arse and see whether you like it.

That usually clinches it.
(, Tue 2 Sep 2008, 23:01, Reply)
King of the face rape.
(, Tue 2 Sep 2008, 23:01, Reply)
In that case then...
Any volunteers?

*Bends over and braces*
(, Tue 2 Sep 2008, 23:03, Reply)
You need someone sober
to ensure no-one shoots someone else in the head then sets his own house on fire?
(, Tue 2 Sep 2008, 23:15, Reply)
That one got my funny bone
I just meant the house burning down really rather than the circumstance.
(, Tue 2 Sep 2008, 23:58, Reply)
Although a general logistical nightmare
I mean, who has a kitchen big enough that they'd let fall into the hands of b3tards? It does sound like a hoot, and I love cooking.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 9:14, Reply)
I think the only way it would ever work
Would be if somebody owns a restaurant that they'd be willing to use. I can't see anybody being stupid enough willing to do that though.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 9:36, Reply)
Only a truly great cook can make BBQ taste gourmet - all we really need is a park.
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 9:48, Reply)
works for me
that would be cool. B3TA Barbie on the beach, maybe?
(, Wed 3 Sep 2008, 10:15, Reply)

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