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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I'm here
I have beer. This is a good thing. I need snacks and I have none. This is a bad thing.
More news as it happens.
(, Sat 16 Aug 2014, 22:56, 1 reply, 10 years ago)

(, Sat 16 Aug 2014, 23:02, Reply)
Excellent idea

(, Sat 16 Aug 2014, 23:06, Reply)
I'm thinking of it as a bar snack.

(, Sat 16 Aug 2014, 23:08, Reply)
I may have toasted malt loaf

(, Sat 16 Aug 2014, 23:16, Reply)
Malt loaf is lovely grub.

(, Sat 16 Aug 2014, 23:19, Reply)
I have it now
(, Sat 16 Aug 2014, 23:29, Reply)
Good lad. Proper butter I hope?

(, Sat 16 Aug 2014, 23:33, Reply)
Non-butter substitutes are for homosexualists and general weirdos

(, Sat 16 Aug 2014, 23:36, Reply)
Agreed, I never use spreads on sandwiches, but for toast stuff, butter is the only stuff.

(, Sat 16 Aug 2014, 23:40, Reply)

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