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Fund raising
OK, long story short I'm going to South Africa with an organisation called The Niall Mellon Township Trust in March 2009. It pretty much involves building houses for people living in shanty towns at the side of the road.

Anyway I have to raise €5000 for this and at the moment I'm having a spot of bother raising all the cash. Dont worry, this isn't a yarn to try get people to donate money (although you are free to if you so wish), I am just wondering if anyone here has ever done any substantial fundraising for charity and if they have any ideas I could try. So far I've held a charity gig which raised just over €500 and I'm holding a table quiz with my work colleges next week which should also help. So, can anyone help me out with any other ideas for fundraising??
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:03, 11 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Four words for you...
Sarah Palin Kissing Booth.

I think she's going to have plenty of time free in a couple of days.

(Sorry, just couldn't resist. And hey, you could charge double if they present their bare hindquarters, and you'd have people lined up around the globe waiting their turn!)
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:13, Reply)
She's done massive charity stuff, and might be able to come up with a couple of ideas.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:18, Reply)
When I had to raise money for a charity
I set up a sports day in my local park with a BBQ and a raffle and charged people a few pounds to come along. I went around to local companies/shops asking if they had anything they'd like to donate and also asked if they'd like to buy advertising space in a booklet I was giving out on the day.
I made over £900 doing that.

It's also worth writing to any businesses in your area asking if they'd like to contribute. A lot of places have a certain amount of money they give to deserving causes each year.

Hope that's a bit of help.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:32, Reply)
Just realised I drastically mispelt colleagues there.

@ Wanderlust: The BBQ isn't a bad idea but when you live in Ireland the weather tends to not favour BBQ's and the people in my area aint too nice and charitable!! Thanks for the suggestion though.

I was thinking of getting a few friends to set up stationary bikes along with myself on Grafton Street (main shopping street in Dublin) with pedometers and cycling 1000 miles or something. Don't know if that would raise much though.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:47, Reply)
Do a marathon?
Sponsored bike ride? (I've made a fair amount for the BHF doing London to Brighton, Mr Bob made LOADS doing the Rob Roy Challenge).

See if you have two nubile female friends who'd be willing to wrestle each other in a tub full of maple syrup/baked beans/whatever turns you on, whilst allowing lots of people to watch, all in the name of charidee?
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 14:53, Reply)
Could you organise that wrestling thing anyway? Sod raising money.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:10, Reply)
get local vendors to put up your poster and ask them for free stuff to raffle off in return for a mention in your company newsletter or whatever circular emails you are sending around.

I'm in Limerick and often in Dublin - give us a nod if I can lend a hand.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:14, Reply)
Depends on when you want it. It it's within the next two weeks, all I can come up with is Vanessa Feltz and Anne Widdicome, with a large bowl of tripe to rub over each other. If it's in December, I can get you the Hamiltons and 7 litres of Angel Delight (strawberry flavour).

Give me till the new year, and I'll get you Sarah Palin (she'll wear her "uniform") and Sarah Beeney, with 15 gallons of Bonne Maman Gooseberry Compote. And some Hundreds and Thousands.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:16, Reply)
I'm prepared to wait. I'll gaz you a list of lady b3tans and condiments.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:25, Reply)
No worries.
Can I recommend sweet chilli sauce? Smooth, sticky, and just a bit spicy...
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:27, Reply)
Small world indeed...
Not much help I'm afraid however I have a friend who is going on that very same trip in March! I am not sure what she is doing to raise money, she sent a link out for sponsorship and I made a donation.

Have you tried your employer? Some of the nicer ones match the money you make and donate that - never hurts to ask, and is tax deductible.

I have another friend who runs a charity - I will look over some of the stuff she has sent me in the past and see if there is anything that I can pass on.

Good luck!
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 15:31, Reply)

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