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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Hello there
Would anybody like to exchange pleasantries?

I say, isn't stuff nice?

EDIT: Bollocks to you all then. I shall take my niceness elsewhere.
(, Fri 14 Nov 2008, 10:38, 16 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
*recieves pleasantries*
*gives pleasantries of equal value*
(, Fri 14 Nov 2008, 10:40, Reply)
Yes. Stuff is nice, isn't it?

It was warm enough for me to walk to the office without a coat this morning. This was nice.

The cnuts running college catering have just put the price of tea up to 95p. This is outrageous and I was disgusted even though I gone there for coffee.

What is nice from this, however, is that people are complaining about it: the corridor to the common room is lined with posters protesting at this flagrant price hike and demanding that tea be returned to its original price of 60p.
(, Fri 14 Nov 2008, 10:42, Reply)
All stuff is vastly improved by the simple fact that it is nearly the weekend!

(, Fri 14 Nov 2008, 10:50, Reply)
They put it up straight from 60 to 95p? That's criminal.
I will disagree and contend that stuff, in general, is shit. There is some good stuff though.

I'll remove myself and my bad mood and general cynicism from this thread before I upset people.
(, Fri 14 Nov 2008, 10:53, Reply)
Yeah, let's all be happy
The weekend is upon us, George Bush is unemployed, I have a job interview, and we've not been bombed in 3 whole years!

That stuff is all nice.
(, Fri 14 Nov 2008, 10:55, Reply)
No, Sam, stay.
Not all stuff is shit. Apart from college catering being a bunch of grasping bastards, there are reasons to be joyful. For example, my friend has finally been reunited with his Vietnamese girlfriend for the first time in nearly a year. And the weather's not bad...at least, it's pretty good over London this morning. And last night I could almost remember how to play the guitar.

So overall, I am heartened.

Edit: And Swordfish has just heartened me further by reminding me of George Bush's impending departure.
(, Fri 14 Nov 2008, 10:56, Reply)
Can I just point out
Other stuffs are freely available
(, Fri 14 Nov 2008, 11:11, Reply)
I have a small ruler and a retracting pencil.
You can have them for a small pleasantry.

Ooo! it's like Noel Edmund's Swap Shop.
(, Fri 14 Nov 2008, 11:13, Reply)
I've got some shower gel and an unopened box of tampons if anyone wants them?
(, Fri 14 Nov 2008, 11:18, Reply)
Well, on my desk I have...
A nearly full box of M&S organic teabags, a dirty Union mug, a half full jar of jelly beans, a sellotape dispenser, a stapler, a staple remover, and a Dell Optiplex GX240 with a crappy 15 inch monitor that takes up most of this part of the country. Oh, and a fan, and a coaster with monkey from the PG Tips ad on it.

I'll swap the lot for a house in Norway.
(, Fri 14 Nov 2008, 11:30, Reply)
I'd just like to take this opportunity...
To publicly state that Bert Monkeysex, Althegeordiegenius, and indeed (nearly) all members of B3ta are fucking brilliant...and indeed rock very hard.

Much as I am loving the insults and world hating thread above this, I felt that (with a strange irony) I actually needed to come to this thread and post about my respect and admiration of those named...

So thanks swordfish for firing it up!

*returns to insults thread*

*rolls up sleeves*
(, Fri 14 Nov 2008, 15:04, Reply)
Ooooh I see
So my little thread has become a little niceness shelter where a few of you all huddle up in the rain, puffing away on complimenthol cigarettes before you go back inside to the hate party?

Then fine, I am little more than a shelter-host.
(, Fri 14 Nov 2008, 15:37, Reply)

You didn't say smoking was allowed in here!

It's the most disgusting, unforgivable crime to humanity.

*opens can of cider*
(, Fri 14 Nov 2008, 16:03, Reply)
I do hope you've left your car at home!
The pickle et al will be watching you...
(, Fri 14 Nov 2008, 16:08, Reply)
They'll have to catch me first!...

*slurs words*

*shakes fist*

*gets in car*

*puts car into wrong gear*

*runs self over*

*says 'fucksocks'*
(, Fri 14 Nov 2008, 16:18, Reply)
Pooflake, that was lully.

Now get your arse back to the hate thread before I lick your perineum.
(, Fri 14 Nov 2008, 16:26, Reply)

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