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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Fucking alphabetical order.
Just been for my job interview. They're phoning the successful candidate by the end of today. But since I went in at 12 I now have to shit my pants for another...3 hours or so, and even THEN I'm going to be paranoid that I've not heard anything because I gave them the wrong number.
(, Wed 26 Nov 2008, 14:39, 15 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Good luck!
*crosses fingers*

*prays to.............urm! The Great Big Goddess in the sky.
(, Wed 26 Nov 2008, 14:48, Reply)
Prays to the Great Big Boat in the sky
Best of luck. I've got my oars crossed.
(, Wed 26 Nov 2008, 15:03, Reply)
pray to
Papyrus, the god of libraries
(, Wed 26 Nov 2008, 15:24, Reply)
Good luck!
Try to do something else to take your mind off it. Like create a new cult or something.

Er, hang on. Bindun.
Did you tell them you have minions? They can't possibly NOT ring you with that under your belt!
(, Wed 26 Nov 2008, 15:25, Reply)
I mentioned my past as a stand up and that went down well. I should have gone the whole hog and told them about my messianic complex.

Speaking of cults, I think I might start going to those anti-scientology protests. I never realised how utterly cuntish they are.
(, Wed 26 Nov 2008, 15:28, Reply)
Cuntish is one word...
I prefer "insane", "delusioned" and completely "crackpot".
(, Wed 26 Nov 2008, 15:37, Reply)
Maybe BOAT and Anonymous can join forces!
(, Wed 26 Nov 2008, 15:40, Reply)
(, Wed 26 Nov 2008, 15:43, Reply)
(, Wed 26 Nov 2008, 15:45, Reply)
(, Wed 26 Nov 2008, 15:45, Reply)
For all BOATongism knows, there could be acolytes of BOAT on the interview panel. I can see it becoming like that scene in Fight Club when he finds out they're all his followers...
(, Wed 26 Nov 2008, 15:47, Reply)
That would be epic
Truly, truly epic.

But I couldn't really ask them if they are my followers, because if it turns out they're not, they'll either think me rather arrogant or completely and utterly batshit insane.
(, Wed 26 Nov 2008, 15:49, Reply)
Someone give Al his medication please.
(, Wed 26 Nov 2008, 15:50, Reply)

wanna biscuit wanna biscuit wanna biscuit
(, Wed 26 Nov 2008, 16:18, Reply)
I love the idea that the panel had BOAT followers on it.

There should be some secret symbol. I almost typed "Cymbal" which would be even better. A secret large, shiny, percussion instrument.

I need help.
(, Wed 26 Nov 2008, 16:36, Reply)

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