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If you're healthy and you know it
have a wank...or stop in this thread for a chat instead of the disease ridden one below ,)

(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 20:34, 69 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I'm healthy!
But hated :-(
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 20:35, Reply)
Why are you hated?
but grats on the healthy :)
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 20:37, Reply)
I'm healthy
But doing work.

And when I say healthy, I mean by my standards. How are you Bex?
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 20:38, Reply)
A group of disgruntled b3tans
Have decided to troll all my posts on QOTW lol. That and a group of Christians want to beat me up after I accidentally converted two of my friends to atheism.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 20:38, Reply)
* enters thread *

* coughs *

* returns to other thread *
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 20:40, Reply)
It's thread biological warfare. I'm staying in this one. It's all mysterious and sexified.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 20:41, Reply)
I'm good thanks PoD
bit of a shock to the system returning to work today after a week off, but nothing too bad.

Oi Spakka, bugger off back to your plague thread.

That's a bit of a fucker Boat, must go look.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 20:43, Reply)
So is anyone here
expecting a big fuckoff bonus or wodge of free time off over Xmas? Mind sharing some of it with me?
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 20:44, Reply)
Nope, neither
Ah well.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 20:48, Reply)
Where are you currently working?
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 20:49, Reply)
If I were those Christians
Then I would probably be putting the friend before those thoughts. But then I'm seeing more and more stupid people of late.

Anyway, off to do some more work. Back soon.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 20:50, Reply)
No pun intended
but amen. I'm friends with all different sorts of religious people, I couldn't care less. So long as you play nice and don't hurt anyone you're ok by me.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 20:51, Reply)
Good thing is I have christmas day and boxing day off this year unlike last year, but working again the day after.
How about you?
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 20:52, Reply)
I'm currently working in a college as an exams coordinator, but I'm hoping to go back to my former job as a librarian very soon. I'm not a fan of working somewhere with ambitious, loud people.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 20:53, Reply)
My healthy friends.

How are we all? I just cannot stop eating tonight, it's ridiculous!
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 20:58, Reply)
But ambitious loud people can be very entertaining
mostly when proved wrong though.

Nings Lucy, how's it going? Not long now til you start your new job?
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:01, Reply)
Nings bex!
The first day of training was today. They gave me a free stick of rock which was nice. I do enjoy confectionery.
But now I'm sooooooooooooo tired. A whole day of being nice and smiling at everyone and concentrating has left me completely drained and ridiculously hungry!
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:03, Reply)
A well thread.

Evening all!
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:04, Reply)
Ooh, sticks of rock are always good :)
Glad your first day went well. I hate first days as I'm shit at remembering people's names, especially when they've just been introduced to me.

Nings Mrs L. Not a warfare thread in the slightest, just didn't fancy getting contaminated by illness today!
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:06, Reply)
There is a program
about a failing department store on BBC four.
I can't work out if it's a piss take or not.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:12, Reply)
Me too
Thank god everyone has security passes with their names on. Although I could end up looking like a bit of a perve looking in the boob area of everyone.

I thought I'd have a look at Zahada seeing as everyone's talking about it but I can't even figure out how to start it. Maybe it's not the game for me.
Oh I'm so dopey.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:12, Reply)
Took me a little while to get the hang of it
but I'm up to level 27 now. Giving up for a bit as I need to do some work type stuff.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:16, Reply)
How do you get started? I'm on the first page where it says, "off you go" and I can't even figure that out!
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:16, Reply)
The answer is right there in front of you. Took me ages to get started too.

I'm stuck on level 23. I know what I need to do but I haven't been keeping notes.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:21, Reply)
done it!
Dear god, this is going to be long and slooooooooow if that got me!
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:24, Reply)
Evenin' all
I'm all healthy and prime, and I've just had a cup of lovely Malteser hot chocolate.

*is ready to take on the world*
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:25, Reply)
Evening Mrs Bin abd Lucy and Lab.

I seemed to lose a lot of last night and today at uni to zahada. I think I'm up at about level 46, but it's on my other computer.

It made me feel a bit sad.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:28, Reply)
Think i'm up to 37 at work, it wasted a good few hours of the afternoon.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:30, Reply)
ah hah
I can tell already I'm going to get rage on this game.
I completely lack the lateral thinking required for this sort of thing!
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:32, Reply)
* dons biohazard suit *
My earlier thread is now a lost cause so I think I'll come here and chat.

Have just started Zahada myself.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:32, Reply)
I'm now at 25
I might try this on the children at school. After I've finished them all and know the answers I can put one on the board at the beginning of each day.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:34, Reply)
It would be some impressive children
That get some of those answers. I got rather stuck in the high forties and have yet to go back and look at it again.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:38, Reply)
Returns briefly with a maths questions
If I use 20ml of disinfectant and 250ml water to create a solution, how would I write it as a ratio? I've forgotten already how to break down ratio's and writing 20:250 just looks a bit rubbish.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:38, Reply)
I have high expectations
and hand out merciless beatings with failure.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:39, Reply)
Well becks
you could put 2:25.

You just need to find a number that both numbers divide into and divide them by it.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:39, Reply)
evening all
is hypothermia a disease?
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:43, Reply)
you are just being soft.
I still haven't put the heating on in the bedroom.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:46, Reply)
Same here LiaB
No heating, just myself and a big duvet!
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:50, Reply)
I'm stuck on level 5 already.

And Mr VP just gave away what one of my christmas presents are.
Silly boy.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:51, Reply)
Ahh cool, thanks Mrs L
I couldn't remember if you were supposed to half them or divide them by each other or what. Just looked it up and your way appears to be correct :)

I wouldn't have thought so HLT, only the ensuing sleepyness and then death, but even then...not really disease. You can stay :) *proffers mini mars bar*
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:51, Reply)
Oooo, Mars Bars
I bought some Mars Bars yesterday, hadn't had them in ages.

I have once again returned, as work was once again boring me.

I always hate ratios that can't be 1:something and have to be 2:something, they just don't look right.

How are you Tulip? Other than cold, that is.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:56, Reply)
are just sideways fractions.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:57, Reply)
Mrs Liab
Your sig reminds me of a phrase my dad uses to describe poo
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 21:59, Reply)
I don't wish to know that, kindly leave the stage.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 22:02, Reply)
But it made me think of that.
I think I will actually leave the stage now and go and get some sleep.

Goodnight people!
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 22:10, Reply)
thanks Becks
@ Mrs L

Yeah, but is your bedroom a huge space which has a huge slidey door which slides open approximately every ten seconds, thus rendering the huge space as cold as it is outside?

I can't feel my fingers!
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 22:15, Reply)
Do you live
in the lobby of an office building HLT (sorry)?

True, mine is a small room, but I do sleep with the window open.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 22:21, Reply)
Yay, I've stopped work for the night
I wrote one of the 8 sections of my essay. Turns out I wrote 1000 words. I would say that isn't too bad for one nights work.

So I've now moved to my bed, which it turns out is absolutely freezing. I can't feel myself.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 22:25, Reply)
Mr Bin
Tells me to jiggle about in bed when it's cold.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 22:29, Reply)
I don't live there
But I have been sitting in the theatre foyer since 5pm.


You can feel yourself, PoD, it's ok, it's not wrong.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 22:29, Reply)
Hmm, I should have rephrased
Oh well.

Sounds like a pretty fun evening tulip. You nearly finished?

You still on holiday becks, or back now?
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 22:30, Reply)
hope so!
is your bed any warmer yet PoD?

*sends warms*
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 22:33, Reply)
In that case
I'll excuse you HLT.
Would you like me to phone your manager and complain about letting their staff sit in the cold.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 22:34, Reply)
It is slightly warmer
I don't want to venture to the other side of it, the downside of having a double bed.

That is a bit shocking about the freezing and stupid door tulip. You'll just have to get all hardcore like LIAB and bear with it I think.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 22:43, Reply)
Don't forget PoD
That there is also a big hairy man in bed with me too.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 22:44, Reply)
Ah, hair
That would be warm. My head is tres warm, but that's about it.

edits - I appear to have gone and broke it. Where's that hat?
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 22:45, Reply)
anyone around?
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 23:15, Reply)
Just me
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 23:28, Reply)
I'm a bit drunk. Went to a Lebanese girls birthday party.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 23:29, Reply)
I went to hang out
With a chef I know.
Tonight I learned how to strip down a potato.

(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 23:31, Reply)
I ate falafel.

Not quite the same really...
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 23:31, Reply)
I'd've swapped
With you, I got offered coke, but not dinner.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 23:33, Reply)
assuming that you're not talking about Pepsi's rival here?
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 23:33, Reply)
No :(
The only drink on offer was beer, and I was driving.

I went to drink out of the tap (well, via a glass), and he said "STOP! That's the pigeon-water!"

Turns out that a bird had died in the water-tank, and he couldn't be bothered to fish it out.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 23:36, Reply)
bugger all interesting happened to me today.

I saw a dog.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 23:41, Reply)
If it helps,
I spent a long time in a van, driving from Cumbria to Essex.

And the only interesting thing I saw on the whole journey was a van that said
"DP Meats".
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 23:44, Reply)
Thats more interesting than my day.

I should probably sleep... I'm nursing a glass of rum and an incipient hangover
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 23:46, Reply)
Maybe I should sleep too
I was up at six.
Dunno, my room's cold, and the lightbulb has blown.
Maybe I'll go sleep on the sofa.

EDIT: There's stuff all over my bed, and it's too dark to sort out. Sofa it is!
Plus, Mr. Z, I'm gonna edit my post further up, don't wanna get anyone in trouble.
(, Mon 1 Dec 2008, 23:52, Reply)
I have no idea why I have done this
But still I have. I have agreed to take part in a stand-up comedy gig in Leeds. BK is joining in as well. I must be off my fucking rocker.
(, Tue 2 Dec 2008, 0:38, Reply)

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