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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Name Change
I'm going to change my name.

Maudlin McCann is dead...
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 14:13, 18 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
*mourns the death of Maudlin McCann*
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 14:20, Reply)
does the new name mean?!
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 14:22, Reply)
It means
SLVA, he's trying to tell us he's Bosnian.
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 14:24, Reply)
I've suspected that for months.

(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 14:25, Reply)
Anyways, what's been going on
have I missed anything?

Did any of you notice that I topped the /Talk Popular page?
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 14:28, Reply)
I shall
Go and look now
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 14:35, Reply)
But know I
don't know who you are!
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 14:29, Reply)
In contrast to my morning's infuriation at Thought for the Day,
your new name brings back memories of the shipping forecast, and the gently sexy, curvaceously received tones of Brian Perkins.

I like it. Long live Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic.

Edit: Just looked at the popular page on /talk. Nicely done, Bert.
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 14:31, Reply)
was driving home the other night
from my mate, and the shipping forecast came on, and SLVA sounded catchy. It was either that or Channel instead of Sandettie
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 14:33, Reply)
And a bit less suspicious than
Dogger Bank
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 14:33, Reply)
I envy you...
on having the imagination to metomarph metamorf change into a new user name.

I've been stuck with the same shite for over a year now...and can't think of anything to change it to :(

Edit: Someone even stole my username recently. 'Deep Joy' I thought, this is my chance - I'm now forced into creating a new username...NOTHING CAN STOP ME NOW!

And then the fucker gave it me back!

I might change it to 'dogger bank'...
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 14:39, Reply)
Supreme Crow
I think that my post just goes to show that it really doesn't take much to get there.

EDIT quit your griping, DykeDyke
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 14:40, Reply)
I think it's about 3 clicks, so you're not wrong.

(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 14:41, Reply)
It's really annoying me
that I can't reply to people across the way, like you can Mike.

It makes me feel stupid and fat... and superior. Oh no, wait a minute, that was somebody else.
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 14:42, Reply)
I don't get it.
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 14:44, Reply)
Well, given a thread was just started on there with, and I quote:
your witticism was either uncannily original and pressed all the right buttons for them, or they fell for your cunning disguise and felt obliged to click in the tumescent presence of their master.

Oh, and Pooflake: I think DoggerBank might suit you. Though I thought DykeDyke was quite a good variant.
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 14:45, Reply)
Don't knock '*bums*'
The only reason I have such a wonderful surname is because someone posted *monkeysexes*
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 14:56, Reply)
Well, I guess that's fair enough.
(, Fri 5 Dec 2008, 15:05, Reply)

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