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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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That new Coldplay single seems to be on endless rotation and it's bugging me. Not because I hold any particular hatred for them (I'm indifferent, they're just a bit dull in my view), but because the opening riff sounds exactly like another song - and I can't bloody well remember what it is or who it's by!

Anyone know what I'm talking about? And can anyone enlighten me as to the song? *EDIT* the song that is being ripped off, that is.
(, Fri 16 Jan 2009, 12:22, 5 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Which one?
They've had a couple of lawsuits (notably one from Joe Satriani. Who's possibly even more of a prick than Chris Martin, if that's possible) over Viva La Vida...
(, Fri 16 Jan 2009, 12:24, Reply)
Dunno what it's called
All I know is it seems to be their latest poptastic hit record.

/gets down wiv da yoof
(, Fri 16 Jan 2009, 12:27, Reply)
life in technicolor
its on the album, but as an instrumental.
(, Fri 16 Jan 2009, 12:29, Reply)
Actually it might not even be Coldplay
It might be Keane. or Razorlight. Fuck.

/Launches into rant about how music all sounds the same these days.

Next time I hear it I'll listen to who the bloody artist is more closely.
(, Fri 16 Jan 2009, 12:32, Reply)
Its just that every coldplay song sounds like the last one
(, Fri 16 Jan 2009, 16:30, Reply)

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