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Ratbastard hypocrites

If you're living in the UK, you'll be aware that - if they thought they could get away with it - the government would install CCTV in your rectum.

They do so LOOOVE to have access to every single piece of information about you. Which makes it just a wee bit hypocritical that MPs are planning to exempt their expenses from Freedom of Information Requests.

I've tried really hard, but I can't see any reason for doing that other than "the taxpayer is funding my coke-and-whores habit".

So I would ask UK B3tans to read about the Act and consider writing to your MP (it's dead easy).

B3ta Power!
(, Mon 19 Jan 2009, 18:49, 16 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I think
I'll withhold the income tax I'm due at the end of this month, and pay it into the Royal Bank of Scotland.

After all, that's exactly what the government's going to do with it!
(, Mon 19 Jan 2009, 19:03, Reply)
As much as I'd love to think writing to my MP would make a difference
I know it won't.

It'd be like writing to all the self-employed people and asking them to be completely honest about the expenses claims on their tax returns. It's just not going to happen.
(, Mon 19 Jan 2009, 19:28, Reply)
You'd be surprised
Given how apathetic the British public is, 2 or 3 letters on a subject to an MP is enough to convince them there's a huge public outcry.
(, Mon 19 Jan 2009, 19:35, Reply)
I honestly wish that were true.
But be honest, if you had a chance to effectively earn more money by keeping your expenditure secret from those who scrutinise such things, would you?

I know it's not right, but we're talking about the people who create and manipulate the rules in this country.
(, Mon 19 Jan 2009, 19:43, Reply)
Part of the campaign
is to let MPs know that how they vote on this will be highlighted. Hard to explain to ones constituents, isn't it?
(, Mon 19 Jan 2009, 19:55, Reply)
I think this depends...
Upon the level of apathy of your local MP as much as anything - which is quite possibly related to the security of their seat.

I may as well write to my garden fence as write to my local MP (Terry Rooney, Bradford N, Lab) as he does'nt even bother to show his face in the constituency from year to year.

If I lived a mile down the hill I'd be able to write to Greg Mulholland (Leeds N, Lib) who I think remains sufficiently in touch with the principle of a constituency electing it's MP to represent it's concerns that he might at least bat an eyelid.
(, Mon 19 Jan 2009, 20:47, Reply)
All I'm saying is go to the site and if you are also pissed off at what they're trying to sneak through that you press the requisite few buttons to register that fact.

All this "it won't make a difference" is just nihilistic bullshit as you well know.
(, Mon 19 Jan 2009, 21:16, Reply)
Not nihilistic
And pissed off at the insiduous process of selective democracy that we're being subjected to.

The point I was making was that the time honoured "Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells" resort of writing to your MP will only work if your MP is'nt mired in the ways of the pre - Reform movement parliamentarians.

I live in what might as well be a rotten borough for all the good that attempting to engage my MP in any sort of constitutional issue will do.

Having said that, if my home was about to be bulldozed for Heathrow's third runway maybe I'd be a bit less enthused by the concept of democratic enfranchisement.
(, Mon 19 Jan 2009, 21:40, Reply)
I'd quite like to hear
your definition of nihilism.

I'd also prefer not to have my opinions referred to as bullshit.
(, Mon 19 Jan 2009, 21:50, Reply)
When I say "nihilistic bullshit"
I mean "apathy masquerading as nihilism".

Sorry to categorise your views as nihilism.
(, Mon 19 Jan 2009, 22:10, Reply)
I've written to my MP...
...and I suggest everyone does the same.

This piece of legislation is being railroaded by a government so utterly out of touch with the electorate it beggars belief. While £100bn of taxpayers future taxes are poured into the banks so that home loans are still viable, the government refuses to sanction energy companies for not reducing their prices until Spring 2009 - the price of oil is the lowest it's been since 1998. Rail companies are allowed to preserve profits in the face of commuters' reduced spending power. ID cards are moving forwards - costing us £15bn at the very least despite massive opposition. A third runway for Heathrow has bee given the go ahead, in the face of public opinion.

Whoever you vote for in 2010, for the love of Christ make sure it isn't Labour.
(, Mon 19 Jan 2009, 22:22, Reply)
Quite apart from that
All one has to do in this instance is write a paragraph setting out your position and press a button.

If somebody who posts to the B3ta QOTW Off Topic thread isn't prepared to do that, surely there's something wrong with them?
(, Mon 19 Jan 2009, 22:50, Reply)
frankly,who gives a damn?
what do you think this is,a democracy?
(, Mon 19 Jan 2009, 23:25, Reply)

When the juggernaut comes it may look and smell like a dustbin lorry because of all the opprobrium heaped upon it...it's still a Mad Max stylee juggernaut.

Look - I'm 40, I've tried to be active in the politics of my heart (essentially moderate socialism)for probably 25 years. You can put some distortions into the machine, but you'll not crack it.

I've never been dissuaded and I WILL continue to fight but I fully accept that any attempts that I make to dissemble the machine will be pyrrhic.

Possibly because I serve it. Bedtime. Cheers.
(, Mon 19 Jan 2009, 23:27, Reply)
Not surprised
Private Eye's been trying for TWO YEARS to get figures out of the government on who's been wining and dining whom, only to be told every time by every dept it was "...too expensive to gather the information..." - then find a mole in the dept who mentions over a beer that the figures are actually all there and ready.

Was only a matter of time till they start legislating certain bits to make them secret.

Maybe it's national security. Maybe there'd be queues of people sneaking in to MP's local branches of Harrods to fill the lightbulbs with semtex, if only they knew which branch and what bulbs.
(, Mon 19 Jan 2009, 23:34, Reply)
I like to play Devil's Advocate
I think that MPs should be able to hide their expenses. I mean, they're running the country on our behalf, they should be entitled to spend as much as they like, without fear that we're going to be snooping around, telling them off for booking their mistress in for a fancy dinner at the Ivy.
They work really hard for us, they rarely receive any thanks, they're all under a lot of pressure and have very important jobs to do. Public scrutiny just makes their jobs even more difficult.
Leave them be.

Nah, I'm taking the piss. They're fat, overpaid, workshy, inept... no, totally fucking useless, wankers who need a good kick up the arse.
Genocide, anyone? Go on, you know you want to.

*writes letter to MP*
*seals it with fresh poo*

/former council employee
(, Tue 20 Jan 2009, 8:06, Reply)

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