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I need some fluff in my life
As such would love a wee little kitty.

However, I live in a flat without garden access which gives me moral dilemmas.

I'm aware that house cats exist, however I wouldn't like to make a cat a house cat. I would happily rescue a house cat but Battersea cats home basically told me to fuck off.

What is the concensus on house cats? Do I need two so they aren't alone all day? Or is the whole thing against nature?
(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 14:53, 13 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
If you get two cats
they will mainly socialize with each other and ignore you. One cat will become very attached to you.

On the other hand, if you're not really around enough for a cat, I can recommend a cockateil. I have one- she's low maintainence, she has a very definite personality, she's sociable, and she's very attached to me. When I get up in the morning she whistles at me from downstairs, and I whistle back at her. She's actually very good company, and I sometimes hold her on my hand as I watch TV.
(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 15:01, Reply)
When I was looking for kitteh love
I looked at www.catchat.org which links cat rescue sites in your area. Most of the sites have a list of kittehs that include a few that say 'must be a house cat with no other animals', so keep looking around them and methinks you'll find your lolcat!
(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 15:03, Reply)
Have you considered taxidermy?
= house cat with no boredom, no fuss and no mess! And will stay on your lap from day one!

Maybe Battersea will let you take an old one off their hands?

(/disclaimer: I love cats, I have two, and no I wont have them stuffed when they die, that'd be weird)
(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 15:05, Reply)
I have a house cat.
Spike, here, is great. I don't like letting my cat outside because they tend to run away or get stolen, well, at least they did when I was growing up.
Also, I had one that was attacked by the neighbors dog and she was killed.
So, no, you don't need to have two, just make sure there are loads of toys.
(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 15:07, Reply)
Can I have Spike please? He looks awsome!

Thanks for all your help, think I will hit the rehoming centres and see where I get to!
(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 15:13, Reply)
I've met the Loon's cockateil.
She rocked my world : )
(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 15:17, Reply)
Your cat looks like it just gave somebody a blowjob.

TRL You sound like you could be a gay pirate. Have you ever plundered another man's booty?
I mean no offence by this remark
(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 15:18, Reply)
Try looking for a FIV cat
It's a cat with the feline equivalent of the HIV virus. These cats turn up an awful lot in rescue centres, as once they've got FIV, they can only be around other FIV-positive cats.

Chances are you won't get a kitten, but rescue centres would be very pleased to let an FIV cat go to a good home, and I think they're ok with letting them go to a place without outside access, simply because it then won't come into contact with other cats, and therefore won't pass the virus on.

Try cat's protection league, I think they're meant to be quite good.
(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 15:34, Reply)
I have two house cats
and they are both extremely loving and socialise with either, with me AND with Daddy :)

I think the key to having an affectionate kitty is getting him used to being handled and stroked from day one. Spend time grooming him too (Most love to be brushed) and they'll come to you for love no matter how many of them there are!

On the other hand, I agree with someone else that house cats are also a lot more safe and happy. I had an outdoor cat when I lived in the UK and it was taken. I know someone else on QOTW once told a story about some bastard stamping on their cat too. Some people are very cruel to poor kitties.

Get two, and they will be happy with or without you and they'll never be bored!!
(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 16:26, Reply)
Oh, and one more thing
Remember: Cats = damage! So if you're very house-proud just remember that house cats can turn your furniture to shreds if you're not careful!
(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 16:28, Reply)
The Big Black Hissy Thing has never clawed any of my furniture, and neither has the Stoned Siamese.

However, I do let them outside- and they go to town on the trees in the yard...
(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 16:43, Reply)
I guess it depends
The two I have now aren't that bad, and leave the sofa completely alone. However, one of them is the fucking clumsiest most dopey cat known to humankind and can't even turn around without knocking something over.

My previous cat was the devil incarnate and over the course of 5 years completely stripped bare an armchair. And yes, they did have scratching posts etc. He just preferred the chair.
(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 17:11, Reply)
I've only ever had house cats
Well, except for that one when I was 2 and he ran away fairly sharpish. But that might have been because I was 2.

My first housecat was an only cat. She was declawed (front only) and fixed. She was actually quite afraid of the front yard but would happily play in the back yard on the odd occasion she was feeling adventurous. She was quite content to be housebound, but then everything and everyone in the house revolved around her. This is her:

My second/third housecat were a pair of boys but from different litters. I got them when the youngest was 3 months and the oldest was around 9 months old. They too were declawed (front only) and fixed. They only ever lived in apartments. Their only outside exposure was either on the patio/balcony or walking around on a leash. Both were very happy, kept each other company, and were constant companions. But they didn't ignore the humans in the house and loved a good cuddle....albiet, the youngest only wanted a cuddle when his big brother wasn't around after he hit the kitty-teen years. It just wouldn't do for him to be seen being petted by his mummy. (I don't have any pics of them on my computer)

Frankly, I wouldn't have an outdoor cat for anything. Their life expectancy is greatly shortened by the outdoors (disease, cars, bad kids, other animals, theft) (at least that is the case in the US) and I've only ever seen one indoor cat that was unhappy with the situation (but he was a feral kitten and wasn't ever able to be domesticated).

Now, if you can't have or don't want to deal with a live cat, my daughter got one of these today:

It meows, purrs, hisses, flicks it's tail, blinks, etc.....it is a really great fake cat. We had to order it at the beginning of December. It is so neat that her sister is planning to empty her savings account to buy one for herself (They are $39.99).

Good luck!
(, Fri 30 Jan 2009, 1:14, Reply)

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