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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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helloes from NYC -

have been scarce because working like the devil at the office. as some know, have had the feeling that was on thin ice there. this has come true in the form of a 'formal warning' that was foisted upon me Monday aft. Last paragraph stated that if my 'performance' does not improve within 30 days my employment might be terminated. nice, eh? especially since I've worked there for 10 years. *all hail new management*

not to get too ranty (!) but must say:

I fought for this bloody promotion like hell, was sidetracked several times even after 90 days when I was supposed to get a full pay increase. Pushed back, and won.

They never hired a replacement for my former position. Then the other assistant retired. No replacement there...going on 3 months now. Part of my joy has been conducting pointless job interviews each week.

When I first got promoted, I was busy filling Exec. Assistant duties because *new management* hired a crazy person who had to be sacked after one week. They did not check her references. My boss is a high-profile dude. And is a golden human. Can't even really think about this without going ballistic, 3 months later.

They expect me to cover 5 positions flawlessly. A few mistakes are not tolerated. But this is all a cover for their idea that improprieties took place between myself and another worker. (Not true.)

So, yeah, cackers is busy. Some are on my side, but they are no longer the power players. I'm working as hard as I can, keeping my head down, and playing the game. This economy is fucked, and I have people to support.

But still smiling. Thanks for listening, B3tan friends. Know that my vacation will be the tonic. And pub night at the Yorkshire Grey.
(, Fri 13 Feb 2009, 6:24, 5 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
seems like a lot of places are doing the "leave a position vacant and expect other employees to cover it" shuffle. Arseholes.

In other news, British Rail are mongs.
(, Fri 13 Feb 2009, 7:12, Reply)
that sucks...
sorry to hear that. the paper i work at gave severance packages (crap ones) to about 30 per cent of the staff in december. it's a grim fucking atmosphere for those of us who are left.
(, Fri 13 Feb 2009, 7:16, Reply)
You're going about it all wrong
You live in America, the complaints procedure over there consists of getting a Rifle and sitting on the roof, taking out anybody that you feel has wronged you in some way.
(, Fri 13 Feb 2009, 8:12, Reply)
@ Bert
if it comes down to that, know that I am a crack shot, and will get my ammo.
(, Fri 13 Feb 2009, 9:27, Reply)
I hope that it all goes well
I look forward to seeing you on the news.
(, Fri 13 Feb 2009, 9:39, Reply)

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