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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Onion Bhaji - Not completely dissimilar to the taste of a Bhaji but a little bland. The taste does not suit the texture of a crisp. 6.5/10

Cajun Squirrel - Difficult to know where to start here. I've never eaten squirrel so cannot compare the tastes, only comment. To me, this wasn't a particularly 'meaty' flavour and was far too herby for my liking. Tasted like cheap pasta sauce and could have done with a little toning down.4/10

Chilli & Chocolate - I have to admit, I was looking forward to this one the least. It turns out, rightly so. Chocolate, whist marvellous in A Chilli, abosolutely, categorically does not work as a crisp flavour. Yes, there was a 'kick' from the chilli but nothing overly pleasant - the whole thing bizarrely reminding me of the taste of tinned sweetcorn. Avoid like the plaugue.0/10

Fish and Chips - Now this is more like it! Vaguely remeniscent of Scampi & lemon Nik-Naks, these left a pleasant taste and were enjoyable to the bottom of the bag. I would actually go as far as saying I could taste the chips (funny that, what with it being a potato product)! Lacking mushy peas and gravy however, I can only give this 8.5/10

Duck & Hoi sin Sauce - Fuck me! All this needs is the pancake and you're there! Perfect recreation of both Duck and Hoi sin flavours, they seem very well suited to the medium of crisps. I could eat these all day and will definitely buy these again. Nom nom nom... 10/10

...and finally;

Builder's Breakfast - I only thought about this after I started to eat them but effectively, these were an egg-tainted version of walkers smokey bacon. That put me off somewhat. Egg taint. Bleugh. However, I was surprised once again as these are magnificent crisps! Take a little time and you can identify ALL the ingredients of a breakfast. Despite this, the flavour isn't overly complicated/muddled and works well. Another winner in my eyes!9.5/10

So. Have you tried them? Do you agree/disagree? Discuss.
(, Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:15, Reply)

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