Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.
( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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There's hope for /talk yet. Ah, the old 'pixels on a screen' chestnut. Like they're somehow different to vibrating air molecules or pigment on pulped wood. Perhaps you could explain why pixels are different?
( , Sun 1 Nov 2009, 13:36, 1 reply, 15 years ago)

As far as I can see, Badger has made no threats and no malicious intent. He's not being a horrific bully, he's just pointing out the obvious bollocks in QOTW and holding it up for ridicule - much the same as Mike woz ere did for /talk.
If pixels threaten your family, your peace of mind or stalk you THEN they are horrible harmful things. If they just tease you for being a bit of a cockend, then they aren't. It's very easy not to be upset by them, you just don't read them. Easy.
( , Sun 1 Nov 2009, 13:55, Reply)

and for the sake of balance, there ought to be a way to flag disgraceful failures for the benefit of everyone. What grinds my gears is that it's being done by someone who has contributed nothing but cheap criticism to QOTW for as long as I can remember.
You know how there's always one arsehole in every group who corrects every mistake, picks up on every insignificant detail in an attempt to raise his own profile at the expense of the others? That's AB. I don't think that deserves celebration, but then, I'm not a cunt.
( , Sun 1 Nov 2009, 14:11, Reply)

to something they see as wholly unworthwhile?
( , Sun 1 Nov 2009, 14:14, Reply)

He's just trying to give everyone a laugh and for the most part, it's worked. Almost every list will contain elements of bias. I really don't think he's pushing any particular agenda, just showing people the idiocy of some of the posts on QoTW. Granted, not all of them are equally hilarious but that's just what arises when something like this is made.
( , Sun 1 Nov 2009, 14:17, Reply)

He really doesn't. He just finds it amusing to post the worst of the answers - and he gets sent them more often than not by people who post more on QOTW than anywhere else on b3ta. He doesn't sit there night after night searching every nook and corner of QOTW you know.
( , Sun 1 Nov 2009, 14:18, Reply)

...do you read and enjoy Speak You're Braanes or Lamebook?
Does this image amuse you?

( , Sun 1 Nov 2009, 15:15, Reply)

A quick glance reveals them to be a bit like your list. Oh, right. You're testing if I'm a massive hypocrite by liking sites with a similar thrust.
I know exactly what you're *trying* to do with that archive, I'm just not so sure you're hitting the nail squarely on the head. I endorse the idea of a fail archive, but not one which has a specific anti-/$board agenda. That's why I have a problem with your list. It's just too biased.
( , Sun 1 Nov 2009, 15:41, Reply)

Surely your perception of 'funny made up bollocks' and 'unfunny made up bollocks' is going to be subjective, and therefore not necessarily the opinion of everyone.
Mike already does the same for /talk by the way, but don't let that fact interfere with your self-righteous mutterings.
( , Sun 1 Nov 2009, 16:03, Reply)

Like being the self-appointed maintainer of a 'failure' list, you mean? The point *I'm* trying to make is quite the opposite of self-righteousness. Look it up if you don't believe me.
Mike's list is by /talk, for /talk. I have no problem with that. Instead of hitting the relatively fluffy QOTWers, assemble a /board failure list instead. See how that works out for you.
( , Mon 2 Nov 2009, 3:34, Reply)

I'm not even sure what point you think you are trying to make here. I don't even think you know yourself to be honest. Let's break it down into manageable chunks so you can get your head round things, visit your original position on the argument and see whether that point was still valid, or whether you are going to have to shift your perspective.
Mike's list is /talk failures. He has posted on /talk. He picked some, was sent others and if you will note, even I am on there. It's fucking ace.
Badger's list is QOTW failures. He has posted on QOTW (if you bothered to remove your head from your arse for a nanosecond you would know that). He picked some, and was sent others. I am not on there, but I do think it is fucking ace.
It has amused everyone apart from you and maybe one or two others - and yet you think you are somehow 'speaking for the masses'. You're very obviously not, as you should have been able to tell by the lack of interest in your 'war on /talk'.
Hence my comment that you are being self-righteous. Would you prefer that I called you a pompous prick? No?
I have no doubt that someone will set up a list of /board failures, but you have to understand that it is a bit of a mammoth task to compile the list of shittery that it would entail. This is why Mike stuck to /talk and Badger to QOTW - it's simply too much effort to tackle more than one board and both /talk and QOTW have slightly more shite to pick from.
There. Relatively painless, no? Of course, you can maintain your original position and carry on pissing round your little corner of the internet to stop the bigger boys playing there, but you're going to look a bit daft - and whilst you look daft, there'll be terrible bullies laughing at you.
( , Mon 2 Nov 2009, 12:57, Reply)

Really tired with having to explain stuff to you. Re-read it.
EDIT: What's all this about a war on /talk too? HAHAHA! I just said I wanted a war*, I never mentioned /talk. You lot... honestly.
*It was tongue in cheek too. Comedy rage. I didn't really want a war. I'm pointing this out explicitly so you don't, you know, get it wrong again
( , Mon 2 Nov 2009, 13:52, Reply)

Sadly not. Shame. You really are a pompous prick after all :(
( , Mon 2 Nov 2009, 18:01, Reply)

to write a personalised summary for you. If you're too lazy to read back and interpret for yourself, I doubt anything I say or do will help. And dearest, if you want an intelligent response it's best not to use such a condescending tone. You know what that means don't you? It means talking down to someone :) *pats head*
Most hilariously, absolutely everything of which I've been accused by the /talk rabble + friends has, without exception, been the overriding attribute displayed by the accuser in every case. It's quite extraordinary how deluded some people can be.
( , Tue 3 Nov 2009, 2:29, Reply)

spEak You're bRanes is funny as fuck.
You should really let it go, just because someone else on here thinks that your mate Spanky's QOTW material is abject shite and lists the very worst of his egocentric fantasising, doesn't mean you have to wade in as a proud defender of the truth.
You're the only person that cares.
( , Sun 1 Nov 2009, 16:59, Reply)

thinks your mate's archive is misguided shite and lists the very worst of his egocentric judgement, doesn't mean you and the /talk militia have to wade in as proud defenders either.
You're not the only person that cares, which makes it even funnier.
( , Mon 2 Nov 2009, 4:02, Reply)

but that poster there isn't from /talk. They read QOTW.
Please remember to read profiles before casting judgement, it stops you looking like a tit.
( , Mon 2 Nov 2009, 12:58, Reply)

I didn't accuse him of the heinous crime of being from /talk.
Read it again love. As you say, it would have stopped you from "looking like a tit".
( , Mon 2 Nov 2009, 13:49, Reply)

You didn't read it properly. Man up and back down, it's okay to be wrong sometimes. I don't need to do ninja edits, I just read things, formulate a response and write an airtight reply. It's much more efficient.
Go me.
( , Tue 3 Nov 2009, 2:26, Reply)

I've never shown any mateyness to the Badger/ Banshee, what are you talking about? He's got just as much right to have a fail list as you do to throw your weight around in defence of your mate Spanky.
And I have never posted on /talk, I'm a confirmed QOTWer, just another one that thinks Spanky is shit.
What's your problem dude?
( , Mon 2 Nov 2009, 17:21, Reply)

As I said above, I never said *you* were from /talk. Christ, can't any of you cunts read?
It's satire. What I did was to take your reply, change a few words and use it against you. It's a classic comedy device. I'm not claiming any of the facts I made are any truer than the source material I borrowed. You've no idea if me and Spanky are mates or not either, but you don't see me whining about that trivial detail.
( , Tue 3 Nov 2009, 2:25, Reply)

And re. my use of the word 'mates', I''m pretty sure you, Pooflake and Spanky are self-congratulatory 'mates' with your QOTW replies. That's what I meant.
Militia! Come join me! Today we march on QOTW!
( , Tue 3 Nov 2009, 8:40, Reply)
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