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What about clothing websites?
If you're going on holiday you could look for pretty things to take? :)
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:28, 3 replies, latest was 15 years ago)
yo Double F to the M
how's it going?
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:29, Reply)
Yo yo yo!
It's going good thank you dooooood! How the devil are you?
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:31, Reply)
good ta
where have you been?
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:33, Reply)
Working HARD and also in Brussels eating frites
and learning the joys of BOOZE!
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:37, Reply)
magic darts
(that means well done btw)
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:39, Reply)
Magic darts?
That's a new one on me! Have I missed much here?
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:43, Reply)
nice darts also works
dunno, how long have you been gone?
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:45, Reply)
Probably a good month or so I would think!? I popped on last week and witnessed the Boob QOTW!
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:49, Reply)
well, the most exciting thing is clearly my news that I have got engaged
sadly, there was a b3ta death yesterday too :-(
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:51, Reply)
Oooooh congrats on the engagement, that's exciting news mr! When did it happen?
Awww DiT told me about yesterday, that's really sad news!
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:57, Reply)
a few days in to my holiday in the Hebrides
so 3 weeks ago I guess :-)

yeah, it's pretty shit
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:59, Reply)
Well that's wicked!
I'm really excited for you!!
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 16:01, Reply)
we speculatively went to check out a venue last night, and it was pretty awesome. We'd been thinking of just having the ceremony there, but if they will allow us to sort out our own food (spit-roasted meat mainly) rather than have their shit buffet, then we will do the whole lot there.
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 16:03, Reply)
I really wanted a hog roast at my wedding but it was MEGA-BUCKS, also DiT's nan said she wouldn't come if we had a hog roast, which I thought was funny!
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 16:12, Reply)
I'm having a pig and a lamb

I wanted to stuff one inside the other, but I was voted down, sad fucking face.
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 16:17, Reply)
I intend to have pig, beef and turkey
I'm reckon we should be able to get a pretty fucking fly hogroast for somewhere around £15 a head, which will undoubtedly be much nicer than the £100 a head food at the last wedding I went to.
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 16:24, Reply)
Strolling in 'ere
like you've never been away!

(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:29, Reply)
I'm like a fart in the night.
I'm hidden until someone moves the covers.

I'm good ta, how are you doing lovely?
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:32, Reply)
I'm grrrreat thanks hun.
Work traumas today, but i think it's ok now ;)
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 16:15, Reply)
The last thing I need is another clothing website.
I have too much as it is.
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:33, Reply)
you could find me a reasonably priced vintage tweed 3 piece suit

(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:33, Reply)
Just like Miss Marple.

(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:34, Reply)
That is an impossible ask I fear, tweed is expensive

I do know a great shop in London taht has a lot of secondhand tweed though.
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:34, Reply)
I may have to check it out when I'm up there

(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:35, Reply)
It's called Old Hat at the bottom of Fulham Palace Road

(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:38, Reply)
'Old Hat at the bottom of Fulham Palace Road'
is a stupid name for a shop.

They should shorten it to just 'Old Hat'. Bit catchier, don't you agree?
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:41, Reply)
Oh do piss off dear boy.

(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:44, Reply)

(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:45, Reply)
I want one too
My father's won't fit me. I'd ideally like a Goldfinger plus fours golf suit.
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:38, Reply)
Would you have an oriental man servant?
My ultimate aim in life is to be in a position whereby I can say, "I'll send my man out to get it/do it/collect it etc"
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:40, Reply)
Why, won't your boyfriend do as you ask?

(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:43, Reply)
No he's too busy organising the Shakin Stevens fan club

Number of members 1
User Name - Wonky Monty Bumder Boyce
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:46, Reply)
Not sure if you're being serious
but All Aboard in Streatham usually have a couple knocking around every time I go in.
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:39, Reply)
I am serious
I'll take note of that

any idea what sort of prices they are?
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:40, Reply)

(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:42, Reply)
not even for a suit?

(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:42, Reply)
Not even for a free, solid gold suit.

(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:43, Reply)
is it like Jason Streatham would be, if he were a place?

(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:44, Reply)
Yes it is
Every street corner has a group of men fighting topless in oil and restarting their hearts on car batteries.
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:47, Reply)
Don't be a cock
I've been there plenty of times and I can type perfectly well with just one hand and half a kidney.
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:43, Reply)
One of my best pals
is a fucking expert on old clothes. American workwear, vintage army stuff, 70s pimp suits - you name it. He's definitely the fellow to ask, so I shall, as I fancy getting one too.
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:46, Reply)
that would be excellent

(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:49, Reply)
You can never have enough clothes
I am living proof of this fact.
(, Tue 18 May 2010, 15:38, Reply)

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