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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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You're probably not then. Unless you ended up with a new set of knives?
(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:07, 1 reply, 15 years ago)
I got an inflatable crocodile?

(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:08, Reply)
I wish someone had bought me an inflatable crocodile.
I would have taken it to the cook islands with me and used it to scare Kiwi tourists.

I met the two fattest american cunts I have ever seen. The fat old shit was so fucking lardy he couldn't walk up fucking stairs without someone pushing him from behind, and his fat old wife was almost as bad.
(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:10, Reply)
Haha quality.
Did you manage to get any pics of them?

For, y'know, 'research purposes'...
(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:11, Reply)
You mean wanking?

(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:13, Reply)
What's this I hear about your puching wookie?

(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:16, Reply)
I got very drunk and violent
I don't remember it though.
(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:52, Reply)
Sadly not
but there was a very funny incident when they put them in wheelchairs to get them to the plane and they lined them up next to each other and mrs al leaned over and said it looked like they were going to have a race. I laughed really loudly at them.
(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:13, Reply)
My flatmate went to america a few years ago
And all her pictures are pictures of lolfatties.
(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:14, Reply)
I drew a message in the sand, just for the b3tans
which I will post here once I'm back at home again.
(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:16, Reply)
Can't wait.
Is it something to do with breasts?
(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:19, Reply)
Might be.

(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:21, Reply)
Does it look anything like this
sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs281.ash1/20861_1473969820260_1564113313_31186011_8373546_n.jpg ?
(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:23, Reply)
That's where I got my inspiration from
my erection came from the photos of you jumping into that cold looking pool.
(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:25, Reply)
Does that mean I'm your muse?
And if you'd jumped into that pool you'd have anything but an erection. It was fucking freezing.
(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:30, Reply)

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