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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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And a rapist
And a hoodlum
And a leftie.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:07, 3 replies, latest was 14 years ago)
I hear he shops at Tescos
that's where he gets all his best clothes
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:09, Reply)
He's probably dedicated an entire morning's show to telling us that in excruciating detail...

(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:09, Reply)
I quite like Chris Moyles.
This whole story is about him not being paid for 2 months because of a computer error.
If that happened to me I would be fucking livid.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:10, Reply)
I see him as a figurehead for everything I hate about radio
I don't have all that much against him personally, he's done well for himself.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:13, Reply)
I have a deep and personal hatred of Christian O'Connell.
Anyone radio 'personaility' who isn't him has an immediate huge advantage from my point of view.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:19, Reply)
I really truly loathe the wackiness
and as I mentioned earlier, the forced feeling audience participation. I don't think I have ever heard a Radio 1 DJ say anything worthwhile on any subject aside from John Peel.

One of the reasons I like Planet Rock is because when the DJs do talk it is about their experiences as rock journalists or musicians and how it relates to stuff.

Or it's Rick Wakeman, complaining about stuff.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:22, Reply)
Rick Wakeman is a fabulous raconteur.

(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:23, Reply)
indeed he is
many interesting rock related anecdotes.

There's been a lot of stuff about The Doors on recently, which I have enjoyed.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:25, Reply)
I love my new DAB radio
mainly because I can now listen to planet rock.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:35, Reply)
if you can get Arrowrock listen to that too
I can't get it unfortunately :-(

Planet Rock is brilliant
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:37, Reply)
I don't like O'Connell either.
But I do like Geoff Lloyd.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:27, Reply)
I have known O'Connell since I was 13.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:31, Reply)
You can't hate him that much if you've stayed in touch for twenty odd years.
As per my other post. Geoff Lloyd is the only DJ they have who is worth listening to, but he is let down by his rent-a-minge in the studio who laughs a little bit too hard at the average bits.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:37, Reply)
Oh I've not.
I last saw him in the pub in Winchester about 10 years ago.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:41, Reply)

(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:09, Reply)
And someone who would condone incest

(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:10, Reply)
Ooh, I bet he would as well
Whilst putting popular family pets in waste disposal utilities, I'll warrant.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:13, Reply)
I bet he is another of Bert's accounts

(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:14, Reply)
Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest
Epsecially as I suspect he's also the sort to leave the lid of the toothpaste open.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:17, Reply)
the bounder!
does his hatefulness know no bounds?
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:19, Reply)
Oh, it gets worse: I also have it on good authority
that he's a fat cunt.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:20, Reply)
really the only course of action is to gather up a mob of villagers
pummel him into a ball with mattocks and launch him from a trebuchet at the French.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:24, Reply)
Hopefully they will already have a pyre of burning sheep and cars waiting at his landing site
and as he crashes into a fiery crater of oblivion, the last thing he hears will be people drinking wine and eating cheese and saying "haw he haw he haw" as they laugh at his dreadfully northern way of crying out in agony.

Trebuchets: solving life's problems by relocating them to somewhere far away from you.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:25, Reply)
I'm sure we could come to some kind of arrangement with them
by pointing a gun and watching them capitulate.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:27, Reply)
Just tell them the unemployment is all his fault,
and that he's a closet Arab who doesn't like wine.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:29, Reply)
that is certain to do the trick

(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 16:32, Reply)

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